Surgery with Mr Hughes London this Friday

@jimjammer123 I think there might be something else at play here. Based on the 2 slices you posted here, I do not see severe Styloid or C1 compression that would produce all these dilated veins & collaterals (Cyan circles). And if you pay a careful attention to the color of the right IJV (Red arrow) and Collaterals (Cyan circles below C1), you will notice it is brighter than the left IJV which is indicative of in-flow rather than the normal outflow of the IJV. This leads me to believe that there is some kind of Jugular reflux through right IJV and Collaterals possibly caused by central compression or DAVFs (though I can’t prove this with the limited images you shared and need to examine the whole CT to actually determine).

Do you have facial pain, breathlessness sensation, neck/face swelling, tachycardia, temperature changes and blueish lips. Normally the Jugular Veins and Collaterals carry blood from the brain/spinal cord to the heart but in cases where there is central compression/obstruction such as brachiocephalic vein/Vena cava compression, the blood refluxes back to the Jugular vein and back to the head area causing facial pain, breathlessness sensation, neck/face swelling, tachycardia, temperature changes and blueish lips due to deoxygenated blood backing up to the veins of the head and neck. You will also get all the IHH symptoms along with it.

I did talk about it here in different thread.