Tinnitus and jugular compression

I am wondering if folks with styloidgenic jugular compression have experienced tinnitus ( non pulsating) and whether it was cured or improved with removal of one or both styloids. Thank you. Henry.


I have bilateral ES but only had jugular compression noted through ultrasound on the left. I also experienced non pulsatile tinnitus in both ears for many years. After my left styloidectomy in August the tinnitus on the left is gone, though the right side still comes and goes.

Hooray !!! That is encouraging. I have been very down about the tinnitus, among all the other symptoms. I have been afraid that would be the one that wouldn’t go away—and mine is severe. You have given me hope. I know there are no guarantees, but I am very grateful to read of your experience. Who was your surgeon ?
Thank you. Henry.

Mine’s improved, but not gone completely, although I was lucky & it wasn’t too severe anyway!

My surgeon is Dr Omilie in Minneapolis MN

Thank you. Unfortunately mine is pretty bad.

Hi, I’m sorry that you suffer from tinnitus so badly. I can not answer your question yet because I’m still having severe jugular compression on the left side and a little bit on the right. But I’m curious about the following:

My symptoms get worse when I do mental work or concentration tasks. Especially the tinnitus (non pulsatile) and the neck discomfort. When things get very bad, I get muscle spasms on my head, down my back and legs to my feet, which only slowly subside over the course of days.

Can you also observe this dynamic in yourselves or are the IJVS symptoms actually only changing a little?

Best regards

Has anyone had their tinnitus get worse after surgery ? I am suffering from bilateral jugular compression. Worried pressure changes caused the tinnitus and that it may not respond to surgery or get worse.

Dude: I haven’t been able to link it to mental work or concentration but my symptoms do fluctuate. I do get terrible headaches, neck and upper back pain. Some days it is better. I have found that If I stay with my head in flexion, with chin up, it helps. My tinnitus also fluctuates. Some days it is very bad and some days better. I think keeping chin up helps that too. I hope this helps. Henry.

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@Henry – the same happens with me, in “normal” position my head feels like a balloon being overinflated, but if I extend it like a goose, the blood circulation gets better (sometimes I can even hear it in the form of tinnitus like a beeping Morse code), and I sometimes get temporary relief. Certainly, I look awkward at those moments.

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Actually, head up puts the neck in neutral or slightly into extension. Flexion would be chin toward chest. Just don’t want anyone to get confused.

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Oops. Yes that is right. Am better in extension with chin up. Worse in flexion with chin down. Thank you for the correction Isaiah. Henry

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