Visual snow and floaters

@Msdstc I do have all the symptoms you mentioned. Palinopsia (after images), floaters, weird movements on the corner of peripheral vision. Shimmering (resembles mild visual snow)…etc. below is a list of my symptoms

  • Muscle stiffness - neck, face, legs and arms all - right side more pronounced
  • Diffuse muscle twitching
  • Pressure headache with pulsation
  • Memory loss, poor concentration
  • Apathy
  • Reading and writing difficulties
  • Progressive Bilateral snhl hearing loss
  • Loud tinnitus/ringing - pulsatile tinnitus
  • Palinopsia - seeing after images
  • Seeing distorted object sizes - micropsia & macropsia and warped surfaces.
  • Seeing halos around light and vibration