Which muscles get impacted in the C1 shave for jugular vein decompression?

Which muscles get impacted in the C1 shave for jugular vein decompression?

Curios to know due to CCI and upcoming surgery. Thanks!


That’s an interesting questiion, @Kay0531. The levator scapulae actually attach to the top 4 cervical vertebrae so that’s one that could specifically be impacted by a C-1 shave. Here’s a good, short video that explains the muscles that support the neck & how they do that:

@vdm has also posted a lot of information about neck muscles and rehabilitating them in this thread: Question for those with military/straight neck (loss of cervical lordosis) - #17 by vdm

I have on my calendar that your surgery is tomorrow (for me) but likely today for you. Please let us know how you feel post op when you feel up to it. I am praying the surgery goes extremely well.



Hi, To reassure you I did not find any major impact on my neck or head muscles from C1 shave. Not having too much/but enough removed is important. I did pay attention to holding my head on evenly after trim in case muscles had weakened through slight loss of bone attachment. Occipital muscles at back of head are around c1/c2 and crucial to balance but my c1 shave did not impact those I believe. Good luck. D


Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! :pray:
I’m considering to make this surgery too. Could you please share, which doctor operated you? Were there any complications? How was the recovery? Has the surgery helped with the symptoms?

Hi, which country are you in? Helps identify doctors. D

Hi i’m only 7 days post so might be too early to tell progress, surgery went well im in Australia and had it done with Dr Prashant Rao (Neuro) + Dr Elliot (ENT). No complications so far, still in recovery (lots of jaw pain, burning around incision) but that’s to be expected, feeling slowly better day by day. I think with a surgery like this you would have allow some time as everyone is different i.e. im a very slow healer for example. All the best with your decision :slight_smile:


Thanks for that! Australia, Sydney. Dr Prashant Rao + Dr Michael Elliot


I think mentally just prepare yourself for the first 2- 3 weeks. I’m 7 days post had lots of pain but i do feel it subsiding day by day. Stay on top of your pain meds to get you through it! At the moment i do feel lots of jaw pain and i think some of my facial nerves got impacted (i.e. when i smile its crook) however that is to be expected and read it can take some time for the nerves to regenerate. All the best :slight_smile:


On facial nerves topic I’d recommend finding specialist facial physio who can give you exercises to accelerate your recovery of facial symmetry. Tricky to find them but worth the effort. I did that few weeks after my surgery & it helped. If not no doubt time & healing will help anyway. Take care. D


Thanks a lot! I wish you easy and prompt recovery, and may the result of this surgery fulfill all your expectations! :slightly_smiling_face::fist:

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May I ask you too, how was the result of the surgery? What symptoms have you had, and are they gone now? Was it one or both sides? And who performed the op?

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Hi, I was Dr Rao’s first C1 shave in late October, then 2 weeks later in early November, how are you getting along now? My cognitive function is completely normal along with my heart and breath rate.

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Hey Jeremy! Oh nice im so glad it helped you i know how debilatiting it can be, Dr Rao is great at what he does it helped with my 10/10 pressure headaches, theyre down to a 4 now sometimes fluctuates but im in a better place in that aspect so im really glad. I’m hoping i dont have to do my left side due to the improvements and due my recovery being slow i cant imagine going through it again (fingers crossed)

I have AAI so i still deal with a lot of pain from that so still pushing through conservative ways to try and managing that

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Great to hear it’s helped, I have CCI or AAI, either way C1 is not where it’s supposed to be hence squishing the jugulars, so unfortunately this is definitely not the end of my treatment. I found both C1 shaves very smooth but the styloidectomy I had on the left definitely took much longer to recover. The right was just a C1 shave and that jugular is now opened 100%, the left is opened only about 30% but that one was completely blocked(A/Prof Elliot didn’t want to touch it). I was thrilled when Dr Rao told me he was working with A/Prof Elliot, it was very awkward telling A/Prof Elliot I was going elsewhere, I had Dr Rao call him to discuss my case and they agreed to disagree!! You definetly had the best team available in Australia!


I bought like a redlight portable stick that i would just flash over the scar area to help break up scar tissue and continued to massage the area with the scar cream Dr Elliot reccomended- i hope it gradually opens more in time for you! Mine opened up really well on the right too.

Haha! I understand what you mean but its great to always have more than one opinion- both have brilliant minds and are really understanding.

Keep me posted on your aai/ cci journey!

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