24 hrs post op with Dr Hackman

What a bummer the doc only removed part of it. Glad your seeing Hackman. Hopefully he can get it all out. As I am going through the healing process, I am so glad he did both. I considered doing one side for a brief moment. He put drains in both incisions which were in about 24 hrs. I wore my jaw bra for 24 hrs longer then the 48 he suggested because the Dr that discharged me said it won’t hurt to continue wearing it and i think she was right. I did feel the lump in my throat the day after surgery which went away the second morning after surgery. My swelling is pretty non existent. I am still eating soups and applesauce but feel like I could eat more substantial food and not get stuck like it did in the first 24 hrs Yesterday I did allot of talking and noticed the numbness in my mouth creeping back. I have been icing around the clock and staying upright which really helps.
Good luck with Dr Hackman keep us posted.
I am excited for you!

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Hi Isaiah
I will get some of that dry shampoo.
I don’t have trader joe’s but I’ll see what I can find.
Thanks for the help!

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Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures! I have been trying to get an appointment with Dr. Hackman but could not get a referral from my local doctor. After seeing your pictures I put together a package of medical records and faxed it to his office. They called first thing this morning and booked my appointment. Yay!


Your welcome catmd. Glad I can be an inspiration. Finishing day 6 post op. My tmj is tight because I haven’t spoke or done any chewing till tonight. I really wanted to minimize any swelling thought that refraining would help which it has. Don’t mind my skin breakout on my face I seem to be sensitive to adhesives and latex! I also still have the sharpie marks on the surgical area.IMG_20210415_185859138|375x500

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Beautiful! Congratulations. No bruising or swelling! I am so happy for you!

You look great!!

As catmd & one_day said, you really look AMAZING & so do your incisions so soon after surgery! Rubbing alcohol may remove the Sharpie markings, otherwise, it will disappear with time. I continue to be amazed at how well & quickly you’re healing. I hope your path continues along those lines. :sunflower:

Thanks Isaiah
I was afraid to use anything on the incisions because of the derma bond.
I feel like I need to wash them but my paper says keep wounds dry until my follow-up. I haven’t received any messages back from the Dr since I did ask them that.
Seems like the Dr tells me the important stuff as I am waking from anesthesia and i can’t remember crap. Lol

Yeah! I wondered about that myself after my ES surgeries. I guess it’s their only opportunity to talk to us soon after surgery because they get on to operating on someone else pretty quickly but it would be nice to receive a written transcript of what we received told when we’re still dopey/sleepy feom anesthesia. :crazy_face:

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Fab pics, you’re looking great! :smiley:

Hi everyone
I wanted to give you an update on the timeline of healing process.
Day 8 post op. Feeling really good overall.
Haven’t taken any pain relievers for quite a few days. I feel muscle tightness in my occipital and temporalis muscles and very limited opening of my jaw I am sure due in part from me not doing any chewing till day 6 post op. Probably shouldn’t have done that. I notice random numbness on my lips and pain in my ears which is mostly nerve pain and surgery healing pain. I am still icing pretty regularly not sure if that is wise or not. I just became so use to icing over the years it is my go to pain management crutch.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

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I’m happy you’re feeling very good. That’s a positive update. Of course I’m curious about your vagus nerve symptoms and if those have cleared up any.

Hi one-day
I feel so much better overall. Today is day 9.
I haven’t felt out of breath like i use to. As I start becoming more active I’ll know more.
No feeling of the earth moving under me and losing my balance.
Hope that helps

That is the most wonderful thing I have heard all week!! The floor isn’t moving? It’s a miracle! So happy for you!!

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Really good news, very pleased for you! :pray:


It’s so great to read about how well you’re doing, Suzzetteas! :clap:t3: :clap:t3: :clap:t3: I think Dr. Hackman is on to something using the neck bra after surgery to help control post op inflammation. It seemed to do a world of good for you & is a much “healthier” option, in my mind, than taking Prednisone, though that is very helpful, too.

Hi Everyone
Day 11 post-op. Today is even better than yesterday. I can totally feel a difference in my body. The dark clouds of pain are lifting from ES. I really could not be happy about much prior to my surgery I was having such difficulties with ES it consumed me. My jaw tightness from not eating solid for 6 days is loosening up and I am able to chew. I did some gentle stretching on my jaw to help it along. I have little nerve pains and tenderness in my muscles in my head and face. My lower lip is still a little goofy when I smile. Dr. Hackman said I will have some nerve weakness hopefully that will clear up. Even if it didn’t go away I would still say the relief I feel is worth going thru with the styloid removal.
Isaiah, I am wondering about the jaw bra thing with the drains also. Thank goodness for all the advice from the group about Ice and elevation too. I woke up in recovery and asked for ice and I didn’t remove it except to go the bathroom. I had the ice wrap from the hospital wrapped around my head. I also would stack pillows around myself to keep the ice behind my ears and along the surgical site.
Looking forward to posting more encouraging progress tommorow.


So pleased for you- many doctors think to do both sides at once is too much, but it’s certainly worked well for you! Hope that your lower lip improves, & take care :grinning: :pray:

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So glad to read about your continued healing progress, Suzzetteas! We LOVE success stories. Please don’t panic if you do have some harder days in the future as so many of us, even with good outcomes, have found healing to be a 3 steps forward, 2 steps back process at some point. The net result is progress toward healing so that’s what counts! Your lip may be off for several months but in almost every case, the nerves heal & your lip will return to normal or very close.


Thanks for your encouraging message. Just fishing day 12 post op. Feeling so great had energy that i haven’t experienced in so long. I did over do it little today. I am getting ready for a 30hr road trip tomorrow and needing to pack everything up. Back on ice tonight. Woke up this am noticing less muscle soreness in my face. I thought Yay more healing taking place.
Thanks for encouraging me that my lower lip will work again. I am learning to smile with my lips closed and you can’t tell i have a problem. I find myself wanting to laugh and smile so much more in the last few since I feel so good.