Anybody used or similar AI-assisted medical apps?

I have a different thread going regarding my own situation, but I wanted to create a separate thread for this topic to be sure that everyone sees it.

Are any of you familiar with the company

Here’s their website:

They have an app that anyone can download:

Basically they created a platform for doctors and patients to upload their scans and quickly share relevant medical information between doctors and various medical centers quickly.

What’s most intriguing is the app’s ability to quickly generate AI reports of your scan, identifying abnormalities.

The company is based out of India. Here is a video they put out a few years ago:

I’m still playing around with the software myself, but I thought this might be of interest to members here since us who have rare diseases often have imaging that is interpreted as “normal” despite the fact that there are abnormalities present.

I uploaded about 6 recent scans, three head CTs, a brain MRI, a cervical spine MRI and another test I can’t recall at the moment. The software generated AI reports of two of the scans, but not the others. I don’t know how to prompt the software to generate reports. I’m not sure if it gives you a couple of AI reports for free, then you have to pay for more.

The software did generate an AI report with some abnormal findings different from what the human radiologists found.

On my brain CT Venogram, it spit out the following AI-generated report:

"Series: 1.25mm STND CTV : 138 slices

Large Vessel Occlusion is Detected
Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion is Detected
Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion is Detected

Series: 0.9MM AXIAL CTV HEAD : 201 slices

Large Vessel Occlusion is Detected
Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion is Detected
Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion is Detected"

Needless to say, if these findings were true they’d be pretty serious. I just don’t know enough about the technology to say how credible I should judge these findings.

Hopefully the algorithm is tuned to find anything that could potentially be something like this, no matter how unlikely just to alert a human radiologist to take a closer look.

I guess I should ask my primary doctor.

Anyway, I’d love to hear if any other members have any experience with AI tools like this?

This might be something people might want to play around with. It would be interesting to find out whether it’s capable of detecting elongated styloid processes or jugular vein compression?


Hello @jrodefeld
What an interesting topic
I had wondered about the capabilities of the ai for scans as well.
Did the report locate the occlusions for you, like pinpoint the slice?
Or give and type of circle in the image to note? Or just generalize
It does seam promising that a somewhat normal scan with out findings, could then be easily scanned.
I had often been so frustrated when I was confronted by my docs, they would insist “ if there is nothing on the image,it must all be in my mind”
It was only after I found out that my doc reading my reports did not actually have the skills to read ct or mri, but only reports. Lol :joy:
Thanks for the info and sharing

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As far as I know, the software just generated the report but didn’t actually pinpoint the abnormality.

This seems like such an obvious and useful application of AI technology.

I don’t know what to make of the findings that were generated in my case. Ideally I could consult with somebody who is familiar with’s technology.


Thanks for sharing it. There are various projects that are trying to bring AI diagnostics into medicine and the trend is exciting but could be sometime before we see it mature.

Not a doctor but If this was true, you would be in emergency having massive stroke. ICA and MCA both supply the brain (actually ICA supplies MCA) so even a brief occlusion should trigger stroke like episodes. Do you have stroke like symptoms?


I have symptoms that I could describe as possibly “stroke like”, but a lot of symptoms in this constellation of diseases we have could cause significant cognitive problems. Venous congestion from internal jugular vein compression could cause cognitive problems. Cerebrospinal fluid leaks could cause cognitive problems. A displaced and rotated atlas could cause vertebral artery compression, reducing blood flow to the brain causing cognitive problems.

I’m not able to work now, and I’m pretty disabled. At the same time, I’m obviously coherent enough when I speak to doctors for them to not suspect stroke or any serious vascular condition affecting my brain.

At the same time, I had a recent brain MRI that was deemed essentially normal, with the exception of what they referred to as “trivial white matter disease” in the frontal lobes.

Here’s the actual report that was generated:

(link deleted by moderator see report in first post in this thread)

The first note was from a separate non-contrast CT scan. The second two are from the same CTV I had in the hospital. I uploaded other scans, but didn’t generate any reports for them.

I wish I could speak to someone at or a radiologist who is familiar with’s technology who could advise me on how serious I should take this.

I feel kind of silly bringing this up to my primary doctor, especially since she isn’t familiar with I’m sensitive to the fact that I probably come across as a hypochondriac to many doctors, especially given the number of times I’ve gone to the ER with symptoms, and then the doctors don’t end up finding anything.

On the other hand, specifically designed it’s product to identify head CT abnormalities to help with critical issues such as stroke and other vascular abnormalities of the brain:

I really don’t know what to think at this point.

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Can you upload your latest CTV and MRI to I would to take a look and see if I can detect these AI findings. I find difficult to believe that these occlusions don’t produce dramatic symptoms


This is so interesting and amazing. Thanks for sharing and I hope you are not having a stroke…

Thanks so much for being willing to take a look at my scans!

I tried looking at them myself but I don’t really know what I’m looking at. There’s always the possibility that the generated report was completely erroneous. It is hard to believe that doctors could miss something like this.

Anyway, here’s the CT Venogram that the app generated the report for:

I’m uploading my brain MRI as well, but DICOM Library sure takes a long time to upload studies. I’ll post it when it’s complete.

BTW, the sequences that cited as having the findings it described were:

1.25mm STND CTV

Thanks again!

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And here’s the MRI:

I have quickly looked at the head CTV on my phone, both ICAs and MCAs looks patent (open) to me. I did not see any occlusions from the base of head where the ICA enters the brain to all the way to Circle of Willis where they branch off to left & right middle cerebral arteries. See the screenshots below. I have not yet looked at the MRI but will do that when I get sometime.

At base of the head, ICAs (red arrows) appear fully patent. No occlusion is seen.

Here are ICAs(red arrows) entering the skull. Again they appear fully patent. No occlusion can be seen

Here are ICAs(red arrows) before they join circle of Willis and branch off to left & right middle cerebral arteries. No occlusion can be seen.

Here are the Middle Cerebral Arteries (MCAs) (red arrows), they appear fully patent. No occlusion can be seen.


Thank you so much for checking! I figured this was the case, but the AI report freaked me out a bit.

It looked fine to me as well, but I started doubting myself.

At least this is one more thing I don’t have to worry about.



Sorry got little busier lately but I have looked into the MRI as well. I could not find anything that will indicate Carotid or MCA occlusion. I only found what you have already known. IJV compressions.