Hi Leresa,
WOW! I haven’t connected with anyone with symptoms so much the same as mine! I’m sorry you are experiencing all that you are! I certainly can related, as I, too, have all the same symptoms as you, except the digestive problems (although you never said exactly what yours are…). The BP spikes are what seems to set off the shaking over my body; it seems that this only happens when the spikes are 170 (systolic) or greater. One of the chiropractors (early on) that I consulted with said that the vertebral artery is being pinched at the V4 area and he feels the C-1/C-2 is moving causing the issues I am having. It wasn’t until I saw a local chiropractor that I found out that I have elongated styloids, and he felt this could be what’s causing my issues (pounding/throbbing/pulsating tinnitus/ vibration feeling in back of lower head). The first 1 1/2 years of my symptoms I could not sleep on my back or right side - and sometimes not even the left side - because the pounding pain in the back of my head was too great! I had to sleep sitting up in a recliner. After I was started on Metoprolol Succinate ER 25 mg. 2 x day, I started to get relief and until a recent chiropractic adjustment, I had not had a BP attack in 2 years (although I had the other symptoms, but at a lesser degree). This medication caused me to start losing strands of my hair, so I stopped it, but then the symptoms gradually came back and then I started having the bad BP spike attacks again. Other than my chiropractor who did the CT Cone Beam X-ray, no one has known what is going on with me. I have felt given up on.
One of the Moderators of this site told me that she felt I probably have the Vascular form of ES and because I live in Florida, the closest Specialist who treats this type is in New York; his name is Dr. Constantino, and he is doing a Virtual TeleHealth Visit with me on February 8, unless someone cancels and the appointment can be moved up. It’s been a rough nearly 4 years. I am hoping Dr. Constantino can figure this out by the GRACE of God.
By the way, I am able to turn my head without issues, although I don’t know if some kind of movement is causing the attacks I have. If you get a chance, do a Google search for Jim Beaver Eagle’s Syndrome YouTube Video with Dr. Ryan Osborne in California, as he has the body shaking, too, which Dr. Osborne said is even rarer than the rare Eagle’s Syndrome.
If you find out anything that works or the right doctor to help you, would you please share the information with me, as just about every day or two I feel light-headed and “not right” inside my head and all the attacks and the way I feel keeps me from doing much of anything. It is hard to pray, to read the Bible, to talk, to be on the phone, to be on the computer, etc. In fact, light from the computer and trying to make conversation seems to exacerbate my symptoms. The latter issue just started a few weeks ago, although I have had to end conversations about a dozen times since this all happened back in April, 2020 because my mouth feels like it has experienced a “work-out” or I chewed the biggest, hard piece of gum for hours. My mouth just gets “tired.” Fortunately, this does not happen with EVERY conversation, but it is happening more often and it seems to bring on the BP attacks I am having.
Are you in the USA?
God bless you and speed your healing. I will pray for you.