Can someone see anything on this converted 3d image

I would think that the radiographer should see if the cervical processes are elongated, not to say yours are, just commenting that sometimes it happens alongside ES. It doesn’t cause ES but can complicate it if the styloids are long & angled, closing the gap between the two structures. You can see if the styloids are compressing blood vessels with a CT with contrast, the only way to see nerves clearly as far as I’m aware is with a FIESTA MRI, which is very rarely available though. Ordinary MRIs can occasionally show nerves, but as the styloids don’t show up well on them you can’t see any compression.
You can tell if it’s worth considering vascular ES & pushing for a CT with contrast based on your symptoms; dizziness, passing out, head pressure etc are common ones, there’s more details in the Newbies Guide Section, here’s a link:
ES Information: Common Symptoms And Possible Explanations For Them - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle