Connective tissue disorders and cerebral venous outflow


Well my bingo card was full on that one…

That must be tough on the “unlucky” ones (perhaps including me, but I wasn’t symptomatic for many years or my life).

I am just wondering, from the evolutionary perspective, what was so special about the EDS that it didn’t simply naturally disappear. That even makes me think, maybe it’s not always the genetic factor, but some environmental too, as we still don’t have reliable genetic marker for the most common hEDS variant. Maybe it’s because the benefits of elasticity, mobility, were evolutionary advantageous until certain age when the offsprings would come to this world and the gene mutations spread… Who knows.


I have discussed this with some people before, suggestion is the hypermobility and hEDS is evolutionary beneficial during childbirth where many ligaments are stretched.


So maybe that’s why women allegedly are more prone to hEDS than men…


Possibly, but the issue is hEDS is a clinical diagnosis. Perhaps it’s just more symptomatic in women than men. Men in general have more muscle mass so may compensate better. Do we know if the other EDS forms are more prevalent in women?

I think epigenetics may also be important if there is a real female predominance. But until we get a genetic marker for hEDS we won’t know. It’s also plausible it’s a multigene disorder. There is a lab in the US that is investigating all of this


@Kaycee - It’s always good to get answers to what’s going wrong in our bodies but sometimes those answers only create more questions. I hope this new information is helpful for you.