New here looking for advice and opinions

It’s a privilege to (try to) serve :sweat:

Based on @CJsBattle’s and @boogs99 's earlier findings on ‘arterial loops’, I thought I’d see if there’s such a thing as “carotid artery tortuosity” through my search bar. The first hit was the page for carotid artery tortuosity:

Classification and symptomatology notwithstanding, pathogenesis is stated to be unknown according to a paper from 2019. There is a connective tissue disease association in the title of that paper.

There was a research paper posted on this forum referencing the recent association of such with Eagle’s. I thought it significant when I saw it on my RSS feed as well, given some coverage in mainstream publications on some degree of relevance of connective tissue disorders to long COVID. I might be remembering incorrectly on that last bit, though.

The KFS finding, which I’ve yet to work through, is quite fascinating. Indeed, as @vdm asserts, I’d wonder at the outset how to rule out arthropathy/trauma-induced. Not sure if @LimeZest’s work above does that implicitly. No comment atm on CCI/Chiari/adhesions :hushed:. I’ve downloaded the first three of the five DICOM studies attached. I will work through them tomorrow morning.

Hope that’s something to go on in the interim.