My consult with Dr Omlie is quickly approaching (10/14). I’m hopeful yet a bit scared that he’ll tell me the styloids aren’t the issue…or some other reply that I’ve probably already heard. My mind is reeling with all the pessimistic “what ifs”
I’ve spent some time playing with the 3D software and was really able to see things clearer. I’ve attempted to get some sort of idea of length and though I’m no radiologist, it seems to me that indeed my left side is longer than the right…opposite of what the radiologist reported.
I’ll attach as a reference for others who find themselves here and I would welcome any personal feedback or observations from those who’ve got a more experienced eye.
I’d also welcome any feedback on my (lengthily) list of questions for Dr Omlie.
Last, I’ve come to notice that over the last couple weeks Ive refrained from holding my neck and/or applying any light pressure to the area. I’ve done this just out of natural tendencies…”it hurts so hold it”. Since doing so, the pain has settled a bit. Therefore, it feels like the inflammation isn’t as angry. Also the nerve pain has calmed a bit and the Gaba is working better this time. Weird to me that holding the area would make it so angry.
Thank you to any feedback you all are able to provide
Questions for consultation:
Comfort level that this is what is causing all the pain
Process of surgery/incision size/overnight stay
What is done to monitor & protect nerves
How much of Styloid is removed?
Is any left to protect nerves per which Styloid is originally designed to do?
Calcified Ligaments? Can this be seen on imaging? Will it be removed if calcified?
How common is it to remove less than anticipated?
Can I have someone wait during surgery and present during post op review?
Percentage of patients with irreversible damage
Typical temporary nerve damage
Burning tongue? What nerve does this come from?
Success rate/how many have been performed
If I were a family member, what advice or guidance would you give me