CT Scan after Neurosurgeon disagrees with eagles

I did a CT Scan since my neurosurgeon disagrees that my initial CBCT scan shows elongated styloid.

Here is a link to Dicom library, will appreciate your thoughts on the state of my styloids.



I think I can see your styloid on the first image, although it’s not the clearest…it looks longer than average, but also very close to the C1 process, which is when the internal jugular vein commonly gets compressed. Some of your symptoms sound vascular, so I think it’s definitely worth looking into further & getting another opinion from someone experienced with ES if you can!

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@Lababila I think we had a few discussions on Reddit before. Which neurosurgeon did you see? Have you looked into doing a CTV?

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Some 3D representations - definitely look big.


THANK YOU, @LimeZest! I don’t know how to cull those types of images out of the thumbnails the dicomlibrary links provide. I’m so thankful you do. I’ll PM you for a “lesson” in how to do this (if you have time).

@Lababila - I have no idea what your neurosurgeon was or wasn’t looking at that (s)he disagrees that your styloids are elongated. They’re quite long, pointed & very nasty looking. I can also see that in certain head positions, they could be squashing your IJVs. If you see that doctor again, I’d take in these 3D images & ask for a referral (if you need one) to see one of the doctors who does recognize ES in your country.


No problem @Isaiah_40_31, just PM me at any point I will happily talk you through how i do this. If you have a mac its very easy - windows PC I am not 100% certain but happy to try.

It really is bizzare even from the 2D representations you can see them extending down to the bottom of C1 or even midway down C2 (for the right styloid). They are basically halfway down to the hyoid…


One of the neuros in southampton spire hospital. I asked for a CTV but my he refused and ordered a regular CT. He was so useless so I have to try to see doctor hughes



I have now scheduled appointment with Dr Hughes


Can i ask in which of the series you saw this images. I am looking for the exact 2d images to compare and contrast

Hi so I took these ones https://www.dicomlibrary.com/meddream/?study=

And clicked series at the bottom and chose the one with 125 slices.


Thank you so much @LimeZest for taking the time to do these images :hugs:

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No problem, I am more than happy to help where I can. One of my colleagues is an expert in 3D printing and VR. Given my role as an academic, and working in the same university as QS was thinking about a potential study of ES patients to look at their scans with tactile models and VR to see how it may better help them understand their situation. Any feedback on that idea would be appreciated.


One thing that I have noticed after some recent discussions on here. Is that your styloids @Lababila are basically completely vertical. They aren’t angulated anteriorly as others and probably asymptomatic people would have. Just an observation


Have you seen Dr Hughes yet? If so how did you get on?


I have been scheduled for surgery


What is your surgery date @Lababila? I hope it’s coming up soon!

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Hi Isaiah

Preliminary date is March 22nd but I wouldn’t be able to make it due to work schedules.

I will arrange another date

Thank you