Ctv brain / cta-ctv neck results HELP

So my (non-medical opinion) is that you have a mild compression of the Internal Jugular Vein on the right side, it’s being compressed between the styloid on the side and the C1 process I think by the sound of it. It says it’s not a significant compression, but as your scan wasn’t done dynamically, it could be that with certain head movements (like looking down for example) that the compression could get worse, we don’t know that for sure though. Also significant is that your right side IJV is your dominant one, so any compression on this side will have more of an impact than compression on the other hypoplastic/ smaller side, as it carries more blood. There’s no mention of collateral veins though- if there’s compression sometimes other veins can enlarge to compensate, which helps with head pressure.
The report also mentions straightening of the neck lordosis-that’s the natural curve your neck should have, so your neck is too straight, also known as military neck. There have been lots of discussions about this on the forum, as it does seem to make ES symptoms worse, but there are exercises you can do to improve this, here’s a link to @vdm 's posts:
Question for those with military/straight neck (loss of cervical lordosis) - General - Living with Eagle
It doesn’t mention the length of the styloids though- I’m sorry, I can’t remember if you’ve already had a scan showing elongated styloids or report which states their length?
I don’t know too much about thyroid nodules & what symptoms they could cause, but it does seem to be something quite a few members have had. Others hopefully can give you info about that…