Thank you for the detailed update. Your healing journey sounds very positive. As @Michael123 said, “Day by day.” Take it one day at a time. Your tongue looks really good so progress has definitely been made w/ your glossopharyngeal nerve recovery. Your lip (facial nerve) is obviously being more stubborn about healing, but I still have confidence it will be much better in another 2-3 months (or perhaps longer). I’m sorry you got first bite syndrome but am glad it’s not too severe. It should also disappear eventually. The fact that your other nerve related symptoms have reduced is really a good sign & they should continue to minimize/disappear as time marches on.
As far as your incision goes, I think it looks amazing! There have been some great discussions about silicone patches for scar healing & the consensus is they really help. The hard areas you feel will likely resolve w/ time & gentle massage (you’re doing the right thing w/ the vitamin E oil). @Tjmhawk01 recommended a specific brand of silicone patches in this thread: Post op incision care recommendation to others
I hope your egg harvesting plans move forward. How frustrating that has continued to be delayed for you.
I’m glad your second surgery is coming up in the not too distant future. I think you’re wise to hold back on exercise until you’re recovered from surgery #2. Walking is a nice stress-reliever, will help keep you in shape w/o injuring your neck, & is a great all body workout if you walk w/ good upright posture (no slouching! ). Please remind me again who did/is doing your surgeries. Finding “a ligament only” doctor is quite a feat!
Good job listening to your body. Try to do some lip exercises i.e. mouth contortions - make funny faces & assist the part of your lip that’s not working well to move into other positions. You can even try using a very soft toothbrush to gently brush your lip & the skin below it several times a day to help stimulate the nerve. Any gentle manual stimulation you give it will help.