I ended my last post on the topic of lack of literature around Hyoid Bone Syndrome. Here is my collection of what I was able to dig up when I was trying to figure this out; so many google searches and long nights on the internet spinning due to lack of material. I found these resources to be invaluable in learning about the condition and in helping me to realize surgery was the course of action I personally needed to take to solve my issue (and that I wasn’t loco or making the pain up):
anterior-throat-pain-syndromes-causes-for-undiagnosed-craniofacial-pain.pdf (5.2 MB) - this was my favorite of the bunch. It goes through a bunch of conditions that cause throat pain, Hyoid Bone Syndrome being one of them. Funny enough, the best piece of medical reading I found on the topic for me was this and it’s by a dentist, not an MD
This paper, by an MD, talks about Hyoid Bone Syndrome from a degenerative muscle condition perspective. While my Hyoid Bone/muscles did not exhibit degeneration (we tested it after they cut out the bone), it’s still super informative and instructive.
This paper refers to Hyoid Bone Syndrome as “click throat” or “click larynx” because it’s a symptom that some folks exhibit. It talks through the symptoms and also evidences several surgical outcomes (via rescission of hyoid bone), all of which eliminated the pain. For me, the positive outcomes kept me optimistic when I was scared pre-surgery and needed a dose of optimism.
As opposed to surgery, this paper talks about injections as a solve for throat pain at the hyoid bone. For what it is worth, I tried injections pre-surgery with no luck. That said, my doctor, and this article, state there are solid outcomes with this approach.
My hope is that anyone trying to solve for mysterious throat pain can read these articles and try to piece things together enough to get in front of the right doctors to solve your pain.
Please reach out to me with any questions and don’t give up, you got this!!!