Diet post-op


I have my first surgery scheduled for this coming Wednesday and would like to hear advice or recommendations for my diet post-op. Thanks in advance!

I really hope to recover quickly as I am a full-time premed student… I really can’t afford to miss any class time (even though I know I will).


Best advice is to be prepared to perhaps not feel like chewing too much, so get soft foods ready like yoghurts, soups etc., and ingredients for smoothies. A lot of people find that ice helps, so have popsicles etc ready. If you’re having intra-oral surgery then tonsils usually get removed so a lot of people find their throat is sore for longer.
Sleeping propped up will help with swelling, and keep up with your pain meds, but I’m sure you know about that one! If you have external surgery, then once the scar has healed over massaging the area with oil will help stop it tightening too much.
Hope that this helps, and hope you soon recover! Best wishes, and let us know how things go when you’re up to it!

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