Dr. Higgins & Dr. Axon : Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Complicated by Subdural Effusions Treated by Surgical Relief of Cranial Venous Outflow Obstruction

@Dontgiveup This is a very interesting discussion. With my last child (27 years ago) I had a sudden “ worst headache of my life episode. The most likely diagnosis they gave me at the time was “ lymphocytic hypophycitis”.
A sudden infiltration of WBC into the pituitary. This headache lasted for weeks and slowly subsided, has been intermittent since, I think. This happened during labour. My hormone levels were very very low when tested, but resumed fully by 3 months. And I felt well. I also have long term type one diabetes My current and constant headache of the last 3 years is in the same area- forehead, as time goes on I’m having pressure and pain in more areas of my head. In all of my recent testing in Toronto, there were no requests by physicians to enroll in studies… this seemed strange to me. Wouldn’t they want to learn more about a rare disease?