ES symptoms worse after sports

Hi all. Does anyone notice their symptoms, like dizziness (for me) are much worse after sports? Then they settle down, only to start up again after more sports? It’s like an oxymoron…I train to feel better, but the training is making my symptoms worse.

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Absolutely! I used to cycle a lot and symptoms always flared after bigger rides. Makes sense. When there’s more action or compression in that area, there’s more inflammation… the styloids are digging around…

After several years of poking around, my surgery is tomorrow:-)
Cognetti. Right side.

Best advise I can give for the time being is to stretch before and after, warm up and warm down religiously and of course always try to keep the neck/throat area relaxed…

Thanks and good luck tomorrow!!!

Hi Jenna -

I totally had that problem as well. As Sufferingsinger noted, it got worse w/ greater intensity & neck tension. It usually took an hour or more after exercise for dizziness & other oddball symptoms to subside. Pain sometimes stuck around for longer. I finally gave up some of my physical activities until after I had surgeries because the symptoms during exercise were scary & pretty severe.

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Hey Sufferingsinger!

Congrats on being close to starting your recovery from ES! If you have it bilaterally then you’re half way there. I’ll pray for you tomorrow in particular for a flawless surgery & going forward, for a quick recovery & full restoration of your voice.

Please let us know how everything goes for you.

Yes really bad after I surf just want to let everyone know this is buzzeagles it’s been 362 days since I had both sides done 5/19/18 and 7/11/18 and it’s been the longest year of my lifetime three neck surgeries and a historically strong lava flow that has flipped my life upside down and backwards between surgeries and lava flows don’t know how I’m still here love you Wendy your the bees knees and a true friend and Ledgend to me and to all on this form this is a horrible disease and horrific to go through there’s no easy way around eagles syndrome it’s very very rare and super hard to deal with but the good lord has chosen us for this difficult task in life to go through and by the will of Christ and prayer and our beliefs in him will help us prevail this evil bone disease and will be stronger and more aware of his presence amen to all the staff and Jules and superwoman Wendy you know who I talking about love you all and god bless you and your Ohana alohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to all of us living with eagles syndrome get well and better and remember wat the buzzfucious says there is life with and after eagles syndrome so go out and kick life’s assssssss amen god bless you all and alohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa always sir buzzington the buzzeagle im always here to talk for everyone anytime feel free to hit me up anytime and July 11 makes one year anniversary with out those styloids in my neck killing me so amen and remember there is life after eagles syndrome go live it alohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lance buzzeagles rittenhouse

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Hey superwoman hope your wavekool and well miss talking to you forgot about me already I’m still here chilling and hopefully you are found amazing and your ear is much better hit me up I’m here working on my machine snd art work right now just finished s house remodel and we’re flipping this house and waiting on escrow to close on the next flip do yeah been working and working and ?! Working so yeah miss talking to you you just stopped hitting me up hope your well much love and aloha sir buzzzy brosurfer my your day be full of the lord and sunshine aloha always lance buzzeagles rittenhouse:)))))

Thank you @Isaiah_40_31
Yes. I have them bilaterally though right side more impressive and that’s the symptomatic side. Not sure how this works exactly but I am aware that symptoms often flare on opposite of surgery. Am a bit worried about it but still hopeful that it’s not an ironclad rule. It does make sense though as the balance is off kilter? Will keep u posted :slight_smile:

Thank you, Sufferingsinger. You will do great! Dr. Cognetti is a fantastic surgeon. You made a good, safe choice there.

I’ll hope/pray along with you that your second side stays calm post op. Yes, off kilter balance in the neck is part of the equation.


Sending you all the good there is along with a full and complete recover for tomorrow and beyond @sufferingsinger Many blessings, all will be well :purple_heart::sparkles:

Good luck! I hope you have a successful surgery! Good thoughts and prayers!
Still waiting to hear from Dr.Cognetti’s office. I know they have my CD and it is uploaded to the system.

Hi TerriEllen3 -

Waiting is the hardest part. I hope they get back to you soon. I know Dr. Cognetti limits his ES consults & surgeries to very few days per month. You’d think he’d up that number w/ the amount of business he’s getting from this forum alone. Maybe he will someday.


I had to give up cycling & aerobics- I think it was a combination of neck position/ movements & as I had vascular ES that was definitely worse with exercise…it got to the point where the pain was not worth the enjoyment of cycling. I couldn’t do much again until after both sides were done as symptoms still flared after the 1st side was done.

Hope all goes well with your surgery, let us know how you get on when you can…will be praying for you!

Hi Sufferingsinger,
I am now 3 weeks post-op with Dr. C. with ups and downs along the way but I can see progress. I hope that you are now home and recovering and comfortable.

I just developed vertigo a few weeks ago. I always had some ringing in my ears and what I call buzzing but since vertigo it has become worse. My surgery was about 6 years ago but there are always strange things happening in my head…I assume it is just something I will always love with.

Sorry to hear you’re getting vertigo; not good…Have you had this checked out at all, in case it’s not related to ES? Maybe Menieres or something?

Hi Ann,

I agree w/ Jules - might be worth it to check w/ an ENT about Meniere’s Disease. I have Meniere’s but was fortunate not to have much problem w/ vertigo. I had surgery for Meniere’s in Feb. to help deter the symptoms more permanently. I had my ES surgeries in 2014 & 15. My Meniere’s onset was related to a head injury I sustained in a cycling accident between my ES surgeries.

There is also a small chance you have some styloid regrowth. Might be worth it to have a follow-up CT scan to check on that.

Thanks Ann & Jules
I have an appointment with an ENT who specialises is Eagles here in South Africa on Tuesday. I’m super excited to get some more tests done to rule out hopefully eagles and find (hopefully) something…man…if this is all from an ear infection I would do jumping jacks from the roof!!! One thing for sure, I’m waaaay worse on the days after exercise so Monday I’m hitting the gym for a HUGE session and running my butt off so I’m good and dizzy for my appointment :wink: #crazydizzywoman

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