First appointment was a big success with Dr. Bunnell- Surgery in July

I had my appointment with Dr. Bunnell UF Jacksonville, FL. I will post a picture of my looong right styloid. I asked him if he were in my shoes would he have the surgery and he said absolutely. He will go in through the side of the neck a little lower to avoid facial nerves. He doesn’t do it orally because he can’t see as well to get all of the calcification and will have better access this way. He takes it back as far as he can to the skull base without creating any damage and smooths it out. Anyway, he is confident this will help me.


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That’s great that he’ll do surgery! And externally should be better…nice pics of your spike!

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Yes and what I found interesting is that he told me he had two appointments this morning before mine both with Eagle Syndrome.

Really?! We think on here that ES isn’t actually as rare as is suggested, just misdiagnosed!


I think you are correct!

I am excited for you! Hooray for a supportive doctor & a surgery date! I agree with Jules - nice pics of your spike! It looks thick as well as long. You should feel much better when it’s gone (I’m so poetic :joy::joy:).

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This is the first time I’ve ever been excited to have surgery!! Dr. Bunnell was amazing. He answered all my questions and then he stayed in the room for an extra few minutes just to make sure I couldn’t think of any more. He clearly loves what he does and that’s refreshing to see!


That’s really good! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: