After quietly reading posts on this blog I decided that i should finally ask for opinions about my condition and overall situation.
First of all let me thank you all for the fact that just reading about your experiences has helped me a lot in the past!
So… 4-5 years ago i started noticing some burning pain in my neck and throat, and was starting to have weird brain fog … it was progressivly getting worst and worst but i could not find the cause … did various medical checks but none were helpful… i was also really struggling with my mental health due to the fact that nobody seemed to know what was going on with me…
During a routine exam that was supposed to check my wisdom teeth (Dental X-Ray) , my dentist told me that my styloids were elongated… I did not know anything about these bones, so i honestly didnt even thought that an elongation of them could cause any symptom or discomfort.
After some years, i started to investingate my symptoms and found online about ES… so i went to my dentist and asked if my pain could be caused by this condition… he replied me that “it might be”, so he gave me a bite for my bruxism, and suggested me to try to fix my really bad posture and do some speech therapy (i have troubles with swallowing and i just dont know how to use my tongue). Since i was really busy with uni stuff and i was living far away from my dentist studio, i kind of ignored his suggestions.
Approximately 2 years ago i finally decided to take a ct scan… the medical report of the scan was “negative” and they told they could not find any issues with it beside my slitghly deviated nasal septum (they probably dont even know what Eagle Syndrome is…). Thats when i remembered about a post on this blog where someone explained how to generate the 3d model of a ct scan…
So thats what i did.
Here are my stiloyds!
I know they are pretty large and long… they are causing a lot of pain and discomfot for sure…
Now I am in contact with doctor Vincenzo Calabrese, but I am scared and unsure about whether or not i should get the surgery done.
I would like to know if my condition is causing or might be cause cardiac issues in the future and which exams i should get done in order to know if my styloids are compressing veins in my neck…
I think i could deal with the sever nerve pain for now, but in case i undestand that my ES is also causing vascular issues, so i will need to get this surgery done as soon as possible…
Also, i have my bottom wisdom teeth that are stuck in my gums… do you think its a great idea to get them removed?
Now I am working on my bad posture and doing logopedic therapy… This is really helping me with the pain and i personally would suggest to anyone to be more self aware about their posture…
Thank you for reading, i will really appreciate anyone that will give me some insights on what should i do next in order to try and live a “great” and “normal” life…