Flare up

I’m so sorry that you’re having symptoms again! And I’m sorry, I can’t remember if you had surgery, if you had both sides removed? It’s not possible to tell without a CT with contrast if there’s any vascular compression, yours are mighty long & look quite close to the C1 process which is often where jugular vein compression happens, between the C1 & the styloid, but you can’t tell the distance between them to be sure…
Feeling dizzy & light headed can be vascular symptoms, there’s more info in the Newbies Guide Section about symptoms, or you can use the search function to look up in the discussions…here’s a link:
ES Information: Common Symptoms And Possible Explanations For Them - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle
It’s not easy to find a doctor is it? Prof Stassen is only practising privately now, there is another doctor we’ve heard of doing surgeries in Ireland, here’s a link to the up to date doctors list:
Doctor Lists – no discussion - Symptoms and Treatments / Doctor Information - Living with Eagle
I hope that you can get an new CT scan & find out what’s going on now :hugs: