Getting tired of my body trying to murder me.....CT Attached

Hi @SoaringEagle - I agree with @Jules - not everyone has every symptom that ES can cause & some people don’t have the most common ones. The symptoms you do have are often those seen w/ ES.

As you noted, & I agree again w/ Jules, both of your internal jugular veins (IJVs) look to have compression, more from the transverse processes of your C1 vertebra than from your styloids, especially on the right side. Your left IJV is dominant based on its size compared to the right one.

A number of the cranial nerves “live” in the neck in the area near where the styloids are so when the styloids elongate &/or the stylohyoid ligaments calcify, those nerves are vulnerable to injury. The nerves affected by ES are the facial, trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, hypoglossal, accessory, vagus & possibly the vestibulocochlear. Your digestive & anxiety/depression/tense/racing body issues are most likely happening because your vagus nerve is irritated. Neck & trapezius pain are accessory nerve related; tinnitus & ear fullness are likely related to your IJV compression but can be trigeminal nerve or vestibulocochlear. Jaw pain is most likely trigeminal or glossopharyngeal.

ES symptoms seem to come & go w/o cause though triggers can sometimes be discerned & thus avoided (like sleeping on your stomach w/ your head turned to one side).

There is a series on YouTube called Two Minute Neuroscience with a two minute video for each of the twelve cranial nerves. Watching those will be helpful.
Here’s the link for the accessory nerve video to get you started:

Here are links to a couple of posts written by Jules that will also be helpful for you: