Hello! Toadall Newb questions

Hi & welcome to the site!
Difficulty swallowing or feeling something stuck in your throat is one of the more common ES symptoms as you might have read…
Other members have mentioned seizure like symptoms, it’s not common, but here’s one discussion you might want to read:
Non-epileptic Seizures - General - Living with Eagle
I don’t know why, maybe it’s a overly sensitive vagus nerve, that can cause some weird symptoms & can be irritated by the styloid processes?
The sensation of something running down your neck sounds horrible! Nerves can cause strange sensations if they’re irritated, whether it was caused by that, the styloid or a calcified ligament catching a nerve maybe when you turned your head? I get a feeling of my ear being wet for example, & that has been mentioned on here too.
You mentioned you wondered about IJV compression- the symptoms of that are usually head and ear pressure, ear fullness/ feeling of being underwater, dizziness, off balance feeling, brain fog, fatigue… Do you have any of those symptoms?
If you haven’t read this, it might be helpful:
ES Information: Common Symptoms And Possible Explanations For Them - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle
I’ve not had a look recently, so I can’t remember if there are any symptoms like yours, but there’s quite a variety of symptoms members have noticed in the surgery results:
Survey Results - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle
With all the testing you’ve had done, have you ever had a CT done? It’s the best scan for showing the styloids. If you have had one done, if you can get the images you can post them on here & we can have a look & give you an amateur opinion as to whether it’s worth pursuing ES as a diagnosis or not. If you’ve not had one done, a CT with contrast would show any blood vessel compression if there is any.