I’m currently waiting on an appointment with dr. Stenwig Li in Oslo, but there’s a 6 month wait to see him. I’m wondering if there’s anyone from Norway who’s gotten a diagnosis from a private doctor in the Oslo area. The other Norwegian doctor who’s listed on the forum is very far away and I would think the wait would be similar as he also works at a public hospital. I don’t think it would be worth going to a random ENT with my scans and symptoms if they don’t have knowledge of ES. My scans show both SP at 3cm but the right one is segmented. The symptoms are quite bad and waiting 6 months for an appointment is not ideal.
It’s a long wait- very similar to the UK!
I’ll put in a link to a discussion by one of our members- Norway- who mentions the Oslo doctor:
ES and voice problems - General - Living with Eagle
I can’t remember if Norway ever had surgery, but you could try sending them a private message to see how they got on. ( To send a pm, you click o the person’s avatar & the option to send a message will come up)
Good doctors to try are Skull Base surgeons/ Otolaryngologists, or Head and Neck cancer surgeons, as they operate in the same area as the styloids. It might be worth looking for one of those surgeons privately if you can, & tinging to see if they’d treat ES?
Good luck!
Hi Jules,
Thank you for this information. I’ll contact Norway and look into the different types of surgeons you mentioned
@Mossy - Another thing we suggest is putting your name on a cancellation list if the doctor’s office keeps one as we have had some members whose appointments have been moved up considerably that way. Finding someone in a different specialty but who works in the same area of the body as an ENT is also a great option as Jules suggested.
Thank you Isaiah. I’ve already contacted them and been put on the list. Hopefully that will speed things up a bit. In the meantime I’ll look into different specialists who might know about ES.
Hi @Mossy!
I’m new on this forum, and I don’t know everything works, but I also live in Norway, and I’m curious about your case.
How did everything go with you? Did you manage to get an appointment at the Riks?
I’m currently waiting for my fastlege to send my documents to Riks hospital, but I’m not sure she would do it. Because there is so little knowledge about the ES.
Hello @Sanjaka!
Welcome to our forum! I am sorry you have been diagnosed with Eagle Syndrome but am glad you found this amazing support group!
We have only two doctors in Norway on our Doctors List but no contact information for them. They are
•Dr Henrik Stenwig Li, Rikshospitalet, Oslo
•Dr Nils Petter Fossland, St Olaves Hspital, Trondheim
It sounds like you are off to a good start as you consider contacting the doctor at Riks. I hope your primary care doctor will send the necessary documents so you can get an appointment soon.
We are here for you if you need to share concerns, ask questions or just vent your frustration with symptoms or doctors or whatever is challenging you.
Thank you for replying. The forums looks like a group of professionals sharing their stories and advices. There are so many useful informations here.
I’ve read about these two doctors, but like every other country, Norway has a certain rules and procedures that have to be followed by the doctors. Hopefully I’ll get the opportunity the meet them. As for now, I feel like I have to learn about the ES on my own, and come prepared to see my doctor.
You made me laugh @Sanjaka! We aren’t professionals, just people like yourself who’ve had to self-educate about ES so that we could better advocate for ourselves when we saw doctors about ES.
Knowing as much as you can about ES will help you tremendously when you do see a doctor for treatment. There are links to many research papers (tab under the General category on our Home Page - click on the butterfly icon in the upper left of this page to get there). There is also a section on the Home page with information about how to best advocate for yourself when you see a doctor. I recommend reading through that as well the many posts on our forum.
If you click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right of this page & type “symptoms” in the search box, two excellent (but long) posts written by our moderator Jules are there. The titles for both posts start with ES Information: …
There is a lot of helpful information in these posts which will also be helpful for you.