Jugular or Vascular ES or what do I call it?

@jteleia I really do not know what you guys did but the reason why it does not show up (at least according to this screenshot) is because you have not selected the study to render (TF H ANGIO TSA) in the “volume” field at the top right hand corner on the screen below (see the red circle). You then need to choose select a “preset” to get different preset rendering (see the red arrow) in the image below. Just follow the tutorial from 5 to 8 , starting with 5. Render the volumes of your images.(Making Your Own 3D Images from CT Scan- 3D Slicer Tutorial - #4 by SnappleofDiscord ). If you follow this, it should capture most of what you need to render the image in 3D.

If you want me to take a look at the imaging, I do not mind if you upload it in this anonymous sharing site (https://www.dicomlibrary.com/). The site has quick intro on how to upload & share dicom images. It also strips personal info before uploading so it is completely anonymous. Warning…it might take long to upload if you have slow connection and the number of studies are huge such as this one (TF H ANGIO TSA) which is 1122 slices. Any other way, you can share is ok too.