Just had a consult with Dr. Hackman

wow. 7 kids? Maybe you do want to come to west coast and have a vacation? LOL. Yes having those responsibilities can impact where to have surgery. Good luck on your decision. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi @Priscilla. Here is my 2 cents. I was fully calcified both sides from styloid to hyoid. Dr cognetti did both of my surgeries 2018 external. Still had a ton of problems which got worse and worse over 2 years. Im completley ill again. I had a new scan which showed i still had calcified ligaments left in at hyoid. And one elongated styloid right side. Hackman did my first revision. He removed the 2 calcified ligaments at the hyoid end both sides in one external surgery. I think he did a great job. No nerve issues. And the pain is gone around the hyoid end. But my more serious symptoms are coming from my right styloid thats left too long n waiting on a revision.

I wish i went to samji from day 1 so i wouldnt need these revisions but CA is far for me as well. But i think Samji is a good option as well. Good luck in making the best decision. :two_hearts::pray:t2: I pray u get better. Noone should have to suffer with these symptoms. They are horrible.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. So, did you think that Hackman would have been a better choice in the first place? Between Samji and Hackman, what do you think? Are you going to go to samji for the other revision? Thank you so much for your time with this.

Hi! I think both are good options. I have not spoken with samji myself but heard very good things. Whoever can remove the most that you are able to travel to would be the best option. You dont want to be having numerous surgeries and suffering longer bc the surgeon didnt remove enough. Im glad ur gettin multiple dr opinions. My first time around i did not and i didnt ask enough questions.

Dr hackman does not believe they can grow back. He did tell me he could remove styloid to skull base so im not sure why he would say that he wouldnt. But i know every case is different. I heard samji doesnt believe im vascular eagles which is what i have.

Its a tough decision but weigh ur options. Make a plus, minus list. Pray. And i hope everything falls into place for u. Im going on 4 years and surgery number 4 and im exhausted and ill. Picking the right surgeon from the Start is important. Sending hugs :pray:t2::two_hearts:

I’d just chime in to say that Dr Samji treats all cases of ES as he finds them, not too worried about whether it’s vascular or classic, I don’t think he’d not take on a patient with vascular ES. I’m sure those who know him best will correct me if I’m wrong.


Jules is correct. It’s not that Dr. Samji doesn’t believe in vascular ES, he just doesn’t differentiate between vascular & non-vascular. Both are simply ES.


As of this month, my daughter went to Hackman and he said he does approx 2 ES surgeries per month that he believes are truly ES related as he gets more patients with related symptoms thinking it’s ES. His assistant in the meeting agreed 2 and sometimes 3 per month. I will be seeing him myself in the near future.

Hope that helps. :blush:


That’s what we gathered about Hackman, that he is case by case. Which I think is good bc everyone’s anatomy and issues are different.


Hello Priscilla. I have bilateral styloid compression of jugulars. I am considering Dr Hackman. How long did it take for you to get in to see him ? How long until surgery ? Thank you. Henry.

I got an appointment with him about 3 week out. And now, about 2 months later I am having surgery in two weeks.


Let us know nearer the day & we can pray for you

Thats great Priscilla! Good luck with your surgery and hope it all goes well.

Hi Everyone, My surgery is on Monday 11/23 at 12pm. Said it would be a 3.5 hour surgery. Yikes! Please pray for me.
Thank you all for your support. It means the world to me.


Hi Priscilla,

I knew your surgery was soon. Thx for the date. It makes sense that the surgery would be so long as it takes 60-120 min/side when bilateral surgery is done in two separate surgeries. Is he doing intraoral or external surgery?

Dr. Hackman doesn’t traditionally Rx post-op Prednisone. If you aren’t put in a compression wrap (external surgery) post op, then please make sure you ask for a course of Prednisone. It will help tremendously w/ post op swelling (for either surgical approach). I’m also hoping that w/ having simultaneous bilateral surgery, you’ll be staying in the hospital over night. That seems like a mandatory requirement to me.

I will be praying for you on Monday. :pray: :heart:

Yes, will do :pray: :bouquet: :hugs:

Yes. I second and third the prednisone!! and of course the overnight stay which will include good pain management. We will all be pulling for you.