For the last 9 months I have had terrible jaw, ear, molar, tongue and tonsil area pain. I’m assuming its Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia. My Ct Scan showed the tip of my Hyoid was sticking in my spine. I had the surgery two weeks ago and still feeling lots of pain in my ear. Is this normal?
Also, my ENT told me the Hyoid wouldn’t to cause my tongue pain. Does anyone on here find any relation with the hyoid and tongue and literature showing it could cause tongue pain.
I have no idea if the surgery worked. How long does it take to see results after healing.
give it more time. I don't know much about the hyoid bone and its complete relationship to the ear pain. Not being a doctor, I really can't say. However, your pain could still be there because the nerves take awhile to heal more than 2 weeks. 2 months and you might know more. I took 11 weeks to turn the corner. My ear pain was from the styloid process and it was attached to the stylohyoid ligament, I think due to calcification. I had the tongue pain and the feeling of something sticking in my throat. I actually felt worse for several weeks. The hyoid bone is part of the same link so it could all be related. The nerves are all in that area. I will say some prayers for your healing. I know this all sucks, but keep up the faith that you will feel better soon.
If after 3 or 4 months, you are not feeling better and your surgeon cannot help you, you might want to consult with another surgeon. If you heal well and are happy, please give us the name of your surgeon. However, I am pretty sure you still have plenty healing to go and will feel much better in a few weeks.
Well, mine was the styloid, but it took longer than 2 months. The ear pain gradually faded over time. I still get a hint of it from time to time if I have an allergy or other inflammation. I would say that I turned the corner at about 11 weeks, but even then the ear pain came back for a few more months in a softer form. It has been 8 months now, and most of my pain is gone most of the time. I am so much more active and less fatigued, so just try to relax and believe that you will be getting better soon.
The nerves are the same and they need time to heal from the inflammation and swelling.
I am at that stage of dealing with allergies and 3 month post-op right styloid pain. My symptoms are similar to yours and I hope when I get the inflammation and allergies under control, I will feel some what better. Thanks for sharing your experience. Did you ever find a good neurosurgeon to discuss possible options for your back problems? Please let me know if you have. Thanks and God Bless!
emma said:
Well, mine was the styloid, but it took longer than 2 months. The ear pain gradually faded over time. I still get a hint of it from time to time if I have an allergy or other inflammation. I would say that I turned the corner at about 11 weeks, but even then the ear pain came back for a few more months in a softer form. It has been 8 months now, and most of my pain is gone most of the time. I am so much more active and less fatigued, so just try to relax and believe that you will be getting better soon.
The nerves are the same and they need time to heal from the inflammation and swelling.