My Dynamic left brachiocephalic Vein (BV) compression

I know her personally so will get her to have a look at this info, thanks for sharing!


@jimjammer123 were you able to get @DogLover to look at this? I think she needs to know if she wants to address her BV compression.


I sent it to her and briefly spoke with her about it but I can’t remember if she looked at it or not. Reason why she may not of, is because she’s much improved and may not deem it necessary to look into, at least for the foreseeable future!

How are you getting on?

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I am glad to hear that she is doing great? Has she done any intervention, like removal of the styloid…etc? I am doing ok. Wound is healing well but my symptoms remain.


I know you’ve posted some of your scan images, but I don’t recall if you had other vascular compressions besides the IJVs. Are there other things going on that could be maintaining your symptoms, @KoolDude?

Hi @Isaiah_40_31 there could well be but I was hoping to see a reduction of the symptoms related to IJVS. I have booked CTV in couple of months timeframe so I will see if the Vein has opened up considerably before considering other aetiologias.


I’m still hoping & praying for the IJVs surgeries to make a huge difference for you, @KoolDude.


Second that :pray: