New here. How to diagnose if I have eagle syndrome. Whom to see? ENT or TMJ specialist or neurologist?

The radiologist didn’t give a measurement for your right styloid, only the length of the calcification on your stylohyoid ligament which is just short of an inch below the tip of your styloid process (see the images you sent where I made two circles.) The bottom circle of the two is your calcified ligament & is likely what’s causing the trouble.

The comment about your left styloid is unclear. Since a normal styloid is 2.54 cm, his measurement of 2.4 would not be borderline long but within normal range. I wonder if he means the stylohyoid ligament is calcified 2.4 cm beyond the type of the styloid thus making the total length 4.94 cm. That would definitely classify as elongated. You will have to get the opinion of a professional for sure to decipher what the radiologist means.

The Dude gave you good information about how to translate your CT slices into a 3D image. There is a 3D slicer program on our forum. Click on this link for instructions:

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