I had my follow up with Dr Hui
He is exited to hear about plavix helping out so much and after surgery he may have me try something else.
This further confirms that flow restriction in the IJV, once it’s free and open up, we should see improvement in flow and reduction in symptoms.
Suggested a three month follow up with catheter veinogram to confirm successful decompression of the L IJV.
He said he may have to put in a stent,
I am not as exited about a stent as I have seen quite a bit of info regarding increased flow restrictions, and failures in these high mobility areas of the body.
I Will remain positive as I believe he is just informing of other possibilities.
Surgery with Dr Hepworth on the 13 of this month and I will be making the trip over to Colorado soon.
Still pretty nervous but I am a believer, this all makes sense and as far as brain blood flow and drainage are concerned
The amount of nerve interaction is still unknown and as we learn more this may show other areas of compression or irritation. Dr Hepworth seams like a great fit for the job and I am just so greatfull for connecting with these skilled and passionate doctors.
Dr Hepworth will also be doing a omahyoid resection on the right side, due to compression and potential adhesion of the right IJV in the lower neck area.
He said this is common in whiplash populations.
When I turn to the right both left and right IJV become compressed at the same time and add another layer to the flow problems.
It’s pretty crazy when I connect the dots as L styloid to calcified ligament to hyoid to omahyoid to right shoulder blade seam like a pretty well connected bunch of parts.
I can attest to waking in the night with major head ache ear ache and tinnitus event when sleeping on my stomach with head turned to the right or left.
I am still working with sleeping on my back the whole night but just have not gotten the right pillow and angle thing worked out yet,
there is a wealth of suggestions here on the site that I am working through and I am so thank full for all the input members have put out there
Thank you @Isaiah_40_31 and @Jules for all your input into the site and all the time you spend with everyone’s journeys
@Jules and others have put out a tremendous amount of time and energy to help catalog allot of the questions that I have had on my mind and I encourage those reading to check out the newbie’s section and the search function.
I have been reading, and there is so much info here
I am getting my first ever recliner donated today so happy,
I am still dealing with other areas as well, we also did a catheter venogram blood flow evaluation for TOS on my right side a couple of months ago. Dr Hui found another flow problem with my R brachioceplic vein area with my arm at rest I think I w 4 units and rasied it went to 36 units. He referred me out to vascular surgeon for first rib resection. and the idea was to wait on the eagles procedure till after the rib removal and recovery.
About a year ago things peaked and I have been having loss of strength in my right arm, poor grip strength , fore arm feels like swollen or cramped most of the day and gets worse with use ,
Feel like I have hyper mobility of the right stereo-clavicular joint and increased neck pain in this area. Both at the S/C joint and the base of the scull on the right.
My tinnitus became constant daily, only varying in intensity and sound type. Headache, eye ,and ear pain and symptoms ramp up until Dr Hui’s intervention.
Does anyone else have speech difficulties?
I have strange pauses when speaking and a stuttering like at times. Seams worse when I am trying to talk about complex subjects or “speaking off the cuff” trying to answer questions one after the other, and ? Sometimes it flows smoother maybe when I am less stressed
Dr Hui said he has noticed this in some patients with IIH and cerebral venous congestion symptoms.
I am hopeful this may also be fixed, it has been terribly embarrassing to deal with at times
My wife and I laugh mostly at it now and she just calls it my accent,
Love her so much❤️
First vascular specialist said this in not a slam dunk case of TOS and sent my out to another Vascular specialist for a second opinion, that has more experience in the nerve entrapment type of TOS
She ( the second) VS, has now just confirmed it is not a classic case of TOS nerve, or vascular compression and does not believe a first rib resction is going to help.
I failed the “roose “ test and not what she normally sees.
This is great news as I have been so overwhelmed with the new development, and researching the heck out of TOS. And loss of a rib. And upcoming eagles procedure.
So I can keep my ribs for the now and we will take care of the brain flow issues for the time being
Thank you lord
Man my heart goes out to all dealing with TOS as well.
I would like to see a 3d rendering of my area of compression and am amazed at what members have been able to show/ point out with the images that are uploaded. As well as the guide posted for doing so
I am working to get my cpu in order and some images loaded. I am hoping I can get this done before I leave to Colorado.
This has been difficult lately as the brain fog and confusion, loss of passwords and disorganization have had its tole on my day to day .
The head aches and burning feeling in my head seem to increase with critical thinking, organizing , trying to type (lol) also math, following instructions etc…
I am so thankful for everyones input and experiences, and the sharing of such deep personal struggles
Will be updating shortly
Big hug to all those going though similar journeys
This pain is only temporary and there will be brighter days and a new tomorrow
Love and aloha