New user, possible eagle syndrome, scheduled for styloid removal in 5 days. Question about jugular vein compression

Being very fit prior to surgery definitely helps with recovery. I was a bit crazy & did a 15k running race 6 weeks after my first ES surgery. It was too soon, & I ended up slowly walking the second half of the even because my throat felt like it was swelling closed. :smirk:

Sticking with walking for now is good. I’d wait 2-3 months to try surfing again but you’ll likely know when the right time is for you.

Good to know you continue to feel better even if some symptoms are sticking around for now.


Day 6 update

Feeling very good and no pain. Started chewing foods. My tinnitus has improved drastically, sometimes it even disappears. I started to feel occasional nerve pain in the part of the tongue(positional) and my left ear (might be because my left joint is inflamed after the surgery). It feels like I started to experience some of the similar symptoms on my right side now exactly how @Isaiah_40_31 mentioned.


I’m sorry you’re feeling new symptoms. Some of those could be nerves re-awakening after surgery.

If those symptoms don’t go away, or if they get a lot worse, it could be your remaining styloid causing them. It’s not uncommon for symptoms being caused by the remaining styloid to flare up after the first one is removed. It can be hard to tell exactly which symptoms are being caused by which styloid when both are elongated.

I recall you only had one long styloid, @green_potato, but that doesn’t mean the other one won’t cause problems because it could have other features besides being too long that are causing it to irritate nerves or vascular tissues.


Yes, it was only the left one. I think you are right, Isaiah.

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Day 7 update

I’m feeling the same, no drastic changes. Feeling much better than before surgery might be placebo effect. The only difference I can notice is my smell is better and high pitch tinnitus has become positional.


Still very early days @green_potato , will be a good few months before you can tell if the surgery has really helped…


Day 8 update

Tinnitus almost killed me this night. It was so strong that I was thinking that something is wrong with me :smiley: Makes me think that my left TMJ is very inflamed. This morning I’m feeling high and dizzy in a strange good way, my mental clarity is back and I can think clearly. Still having pain in the throat when swallow, but nothing bad.


Those symptoms may come & go for some months as your nerves heal. There will be reduction as your post op swelling goes away & then further improvement as the nerves gradually mend.

I’m sorry for what you experienced last night but am very glad to know today has been better.


Thanks Isaiah_40_31!

Does anybody know how long to wait before doing CT to check how Jugular veins are doing? I think it will take some time for swelling to go. Is it better to wait a month or three?

Great question. No idea on answer but am sure have to wait for swelling to go down enough post op. Based on my first op my recovery from neck swelling was around week 6/7 post op. No idea if left side will be same. I too want answer to same question but will have to be patient a while longer while body heals. Let us know if/when you get the scan done & hope it’s positive for you. D


I think everyone heals differently so there is no standard time to get the postop CTV… I am 4 weeks post-surgery and I am planning to get my CT Venogram in January (~ 3 months mark). Sometimes even longer for the inflammation to subside. So it depends, I would wait at least 3 months to see if the IJV has opened enough.


Thanks for response PatienD and KoolDude, I will do CTV in a couple of month

Got the results from regular CT. Sad news for me. It seems like my surgeons only partially removed my styloid, so it might still obstruct jugular vein.

I am sorry to hear that. Hope enough was removed to help you. D

It does look fairly short now, so hopefully it’ll be enough to help with symptoms when your swelling has gone down :pray:

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That’s hardcore Isaiah. I’m 2 1/2 months post surgery and just worked my way up to 45 min running. I’d definitely ease into things. I waited the 6 weeks and then started with 2 workouts in a week and added one additional workout per week.

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:rofl: It was stupidity on my part, @stuuke. I don’t run long distance anymore. My hips are replaced & now my back is :sob: when I do, so I hike long distance instead. Love those hills!!

I’m glad you’ve found a workout routine that your body is accepting. You’ve chosen a wiser path than I did!!


1 month post op update

Hey there. Just want to give a heads up on what is going on. It has been one month since the surgery.
Some of the symptoms disappeared, like throat pain, sometimes it returns but it is getting better. Ear symptoms are better, but sometimes I have flareups. Ringing is also better. I receive lots of facial messages to relax my jaw muscles. Seems like my TMJD flared up. I also started having pain in a digastric muscle. I apply heat packs on digastric and masseter muscles. It seems to help. Going to have a consultation with neuro-surgeon in a near future to asses jugular vein.


Pleased that you’ve seen some improvements, & thanks for updating us :grinning: I hope that you get some answers from the neurosurgeon :crossed_fingers: