Newly diagnosed, looking for surgeon in NH?

I am very new to Eagle syndrome, my ENT has just diagnosed me. My styloid bone on the right side is protruding next to my tonsil visibly, can also be felt. I am having a lot of eat and face pain, also a burning pain in my neck often My problem is that the doctor has never treated anybody with similar symptoms, but at least he was honest about it. He feels confident about being able to do it intraorally - he feels its better way since he can see the bone stucking out. Does anybody know of experienced doctor in New Hampshire? He also said I can do nothing? Wouldn’t my pain get worse? Thank you for any replies

Hi Hana,

I've had three Eagles surgeries so I will tell you my opinion based on what I know from my experience and from reading about the experiences of people on this board.

Your best option is to find a doctor who has had at least a fair amount of Eagles experience. Not too many doctors have. Emma has a list she made of doctors with experience and it's a wonderful help for new people like you. You should really think about seeing one of those doctors. Dr. Cognetti in Philadelphia may be your best bet.

The experienced doctors generally do external surgery and take out the whole styloid.

I had a local doctor do an intra-oral surgery and I still had lots of problems and it took me two painful years to find an experienced doctor to do a revision surgery on me.

Good luck to you. There's lots of good information here on the forum - I'm glad you found it.