No diagnosis yet

I agree that as you’re hurting more from being poked about it does look like ES is possible…the doctor who diagnosed me felt mine externally & that really hurt afterwards! @ESx2 had surgery with Dr Parnes last year, here’s a link to the discussions:
Life without Surgery? Dangerous? - General - Living with Eagle
10th day post op exam / discussion with my dr - General - Living with Eagle
You could send a message to see how things have gone?
If you see Dr Parnes again, & consider surgery with him, I’d suggest asking whether he just does intra-oral surgery (members have had good results with this, but external surgery does give better visibility, and more of the styloid can be removed. It’s also good to ask how much he’ll remove, the more the better, & whether the remaining part will be smoothed off, as Isaiah has said. Also ask if monitors nerves during surgery, and if he does anything to help with swelling afterwards. (Not all doctors do, but some prescribe steroids or put a drain in)
Hope that you can get some help soon!

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