Hi everyone!
My name is Michael, I’m 21 years old, I live in Munich, Germany, and I’ve been having chronic pain for over 2 years now. Two days ago I stumbled upon Eagle Syndrome on Google Scholar (I typed in my symptoms in English and the American literature about Eagle Syndrome matched almost all of them) and came across this forum, which has been extremely helpful already. I’ll give you a brief overview of how it all started and which symptoms I have, and finally the steps I’ve already taken to diagnose Eagle Syndrome (which have been unsuccessful thus far). I’d be glad if someone could read all of it, I’ll try to keep it as concise as possible.
It started in October 2015. I’ve lived in Dublin for three months and started having a cold/flu which didn’t seem to go away. I had the sensation of something stuck in my throat on the right side which gave me a constant cough. Over the next months, my symptoms increased: Speaking became difficult, my right arm/shoulder started tingling and hurting, my jaw tingled, neck pain, plus the globus syndrome worsened. All in all, the first symptoms comply with Ian Deleon’s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttdrFGBYQj0&t=261s). After 6 months-ish, my cough faded away, as if my throat accepted that coughing doesn’t relieve me of my globus sensation.
I got diagnosed with a herniated disc C6/7 in July 2016 and had disc surgery in January 2017 (prosthesis) because the doctors attributed my pain to that. Surgery went well and I did ambulant rehab, but my globus sensation just kept on getting worse and became painful. Now, I’ve got all the typical Eagle symptoms (except for ear pain, I only have a constant tinnitus, and swallowing is normal - it feels like my left side is doing all the work when swallowing, whereas my right side just feels numb): rotating my neck makes things worse, same with jogging and exercising in general. Everytime I move my jaw (especially when talking), it increases my jaw pain and headache. My chest is extremely tight, I can’t breathe properly, and my right stomach cramps (vagus nerve?). My neck and sternocleidomastoid are ridiculously stiff, even nodding is hard. Finally, I have a constant pain on the base of my right skull. I’m 10 months post-OP now and tried everything to improve my condition (physio therapy, accupuncture, TENS, regular strength and mobilisation exercises for my neck, bite splint) without success.
I’m scheduled for a pain clinic this Friday - until I found out about Eagle. I read a lot in this forum and everything made perfect sense. I even feel a bone in my throat on the right side (at the exact same spot this guy had surgery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czO8PFCdkWk&t=160s). I asked an orthopedist for a CT, which I had yesterday (without contrast, they said it’s unnecessary), but the radiologist denied Eagle Syndrome. He looked at the pictures (in 2D), measured the styloids and told me they are 2.5cm-ish long. He didn’t mention the ligaments. Now I’m pretty confused:
- Can you properly measure the styloid in 2D? It doesn’t make sense to me.
- Could I have normal styloid length, but calcified ligaments are my real problem? And you could you see this in a normal CT?
- Can you exclude via a normal CT that the styloid has a bad angle and therefore causes persistent pain?
(I asked them to give me a 3D recreation of the CT, which they did, but the pictures have pretty low resolution.)
I don’t know which steps to take now, really. If someone can recommend an Eagle specialist in Germany, I’d be extremely thankful. I want to fully dig into this since it matches my symptoms perfectly. The link to my pictures is underneath this post.