Recovery Day 6

Hey all thanks for all the well wishes and support! Recovery is going well, pain management hasn’t been too bad for me and slowly but surely I’m getting better. Most of my pain has come from the area where my hyoid was trimmed when swallowing and moving. The other significant pain has been in my jaw and tongue, also comes the more active I am. The bitter taste is very strong when it is most painful but comes and goes in waves which is different than my previous symptoms which would ramp up through out the day. I can say one of the things that has helped the pain in my throat the most is THC hard candies for anyone wondering. I can’t speculate yet on how all of my suspected symptoms have been affected by treatment as I feel its too early. Once I have my follow with Dr. Annino this Monday and get more details on what he saw and did I can begin to process what improvements I should hope to see. A question already on my mind is regarding his statement regarding the “location” of the styloid being the issue rather than the length and whether he suspects that could be an issue on the right side as well. Especially if many of the nerves in that area were affected on the left then I wont see resolution of those issues until the right side is done. But I know that we will have to wait and see what this surgery accomplishes before we can speculate. Mostly I’m curious if my styloid was in an unusual location on the left is it likely that would be the same on the right. Thanks again and I’ll be sure to keep posting!


The last few days I’ve started getting shoulder pain and it’s difficult to raise my left arm above my head. Not sure if this is just because I haven’t had mobility or a side affect?

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Hi & thanks for the update!
The accessory nerve which goes to the shoulder is close to the styloid, so it is one of the nerves which can be affected by surgery. We’ve had some members report weakness & pain, but this does seem to improve with time. Will be interesting to hear what Dr Annino says about the styloid position- maybe if it was quite angled could have been a trickier removal & that’s why your shoulder’s affected…Take care of yourself & hope that you keep improving :pray:


That was my thought I’ll let you know what he has to say. Thanks!


Happy to hear you’re doing well! It will be interesting to uncover the symptoms of what’s were related once healing is well under way. I too found hard candies a huge help (not THC kind though)—for some reason, wintergreen lifesavers seemed to really benefit me! Keep up the good progress!


I’m glad your recovery is progressing though I’m sorry for new symptoms showing up. That really isn’t unusual as Jules mentioned & happens when post op swelling puts pressure on nerves or nerves were irritated during surgery. It would be really great if you didn’t need the other styloid removed.

I’m also interested in hearing Dr. Annino’s news. Will look for your post. :eyes: :blush: