Last Thursday I met the new ENT-doctor at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm. She was nice but knew nothing about the Eagles syndrome.
I got a copy of what the radiologist wrote about my CT scan in April. I'll try to translate despite my bad English ...
- CT skull base and neck with intravenous contrast.
- Interfering metal parts of the mouth (I have gold teeth wisdom tooth and some fillings in amalgam ..) partially hampered the assessment of oral cavity and oropharynx.
- Processus styloideus are about 3 cm in length bilaterally.
- The right processus styloideus located with the tip approximately 5 mm lateral to the oropharynx. The left abuts the orofarynxwall in level with the tonsils.
- Hypertrophic lymphoid tissue in the base of the tongue with symmetrical appearance.
- No tumorsuspekta changes in the uncertain parts of the oral cavity.
- Trigone areas difficult to assess because of the metal parts of the mouth.
- Greatly expanded internal jugular vein on the right side.
- The left internal jugular vein is narrow in the lower part of the neck and can not be assessed in the upper part of the neck.
- In the right maxillary sinus finnns a 2cm large cystic change looks like a retention cyst.
The new doctor is going to send me to a swallowing test where I'll swallow different types of food while watching a fiberendoskop on swallowing.
My other problems in the mouth and throat have not been investigated.
The doctor thinks there are "too many" problems and will now only take care of one thing ... my swollowing problems...
I'm heartbroken, because I am in pain and over the past month i got more bumps in the hard palate and my retention cyst has grown quite a bit since April. You can not see it with the naked eye because it is located in the sinus maxllaris and press on the roof of the palate but I can feel a big bump on the palate. I now have a lot of pain in the back of my tongue (my left). It feels like I have a knife in there!? And the pain in the left side of my tongue .. Sore in a small place in the larynx .. a little to the right of it. I can not explain the pain, a great discomfort and pain when I touch the area with your fingers.
So..does anyone know anything about hypertrophic tissue in the base of the tongue? I think it affects my swollowing as well and I feel something "there" and it is hard to breathe because of the tissue.
The expanded internal jugular vein scares me. Can I get a stroke or bleed to death if it cracks?
I appreciate your views!
P.S, In two days I'll have a gastroskopy. Can the styloideus in my tonsill area (the one that abuts the oropharynx wall) cause problems?
The doc found swollen tissue in my throat above the adam's apple on two places.. She said it could be related to acid reflux (Gerd). Is there a connection between Gerd and Eagles? I also have a lot of stomach ache. That is why I will have both a gastroskopy and a coloskopy on monday.
Regards Alexandra