@Pollytwix - I’m very sorry to read what you’ve been through & that you’re suffering to the extent you are & have been declined surgery. We have at least one member who had ES surgery done by Mr. Currie, but it was ~ten years ago. Below are links to several discussions where Mr. Currie is mentioned. The first one is the member for whom he actually did surgery. The second & third are from members who were declined surgery by Mr. Currie because “it is too dangerous”.
There are other doctors in the UK - London in particular who do ES surgeries where vascular tissues are being compressed or irritated by elongated styloids or calcified stylohyoid ligaments to decompress them. There are many people who have benefitted from ES surgeries over the years, I find it incomprehensible that an experience surgeon like Mr. Currie would turn people w/ ES away unless he had a very bad surgical outcome & decided he didn’t want to risk more surgeries of that type.
Can you get a referral to a doctor elsewhere in the UK? If so, we can give you names of surgeons who have a good reputation & have helped a number of our members.