SP Lengths CT Results 5.8cm & 6cm styloid process

Results of My scan today -
Bilateral stylohyoid ligaments show areas of ossification. The tips of these ossified stylohyoid ligaments extends to the level of the hyoid bone on the
left (overall 6 cm) and about a centimeter above the hyoid bone on the right (overall 5.8 cm).

:bangbang: Are these long enough for someone to agree to a styloidectomy?

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Absolutely long enough.

I’d suggest you to avoid any kind of chiropractic manipulations on your neck in the meantime.


Welcome mnkellyjo,
to this nice forum. Glad you found this.

Regarding to your styloid length I totally agree with vdm. In a nice overview article from Medscape there are different studies mentioning different length that could cause symptoms. If you take the median of those it can be said that styloid lengths from about one inch (2.5 cm) can cause problems. In addition to that it is also described, that short styloids - within normal length ratio - that are unusual shaped or angled can also cause problems as well as calcification in ligaments.

I saw you are diagnosed with MdDS and are also experiencing a strangulating feeling. In my opinion that could be related to Eagle-Syndrome and may indicate vascular involvement. From my perspective it is best to have a CT with contrast before undergoing any surgery, if you haven’t already.


Thank you. We did a CT with contrast back in November because Dr Cha wanted to check for Eagle Jugular Syndrome after I was diagnosed with MdDS. I have compression of the IJV. We were hoping to get a Styloidectomy scheduled with Dr Ondrey but he wanted to see follow up scans with SP lengths. Now, I’m waiting for his response and I want to make sure I’m not crazy for pushing for the surgery.


Wow. Those are definitely long enough! I’m glad you are taking the steps to fact-find and research. The answer to your question regarding debilitating brain fog, is yes. I deal with some of your same symptoms, including the brain fog. You said you feel like a shell of your former self, and I truly relate. I’m sorry you’re struggling, but happy you’ve found this forum.


Hi & welcome! Definitely long enough to be causing issues- I hope that Dr Ondrey will help you! We have a list of experienced doctors in the Doctors Infor Section if you do want a second opinion, but hopefully it won’t be needed… :hugs:


Welcome @mnkellyjo!

Your styloids are crazy long, & w/ the IJV compression, it’s no wonder you’re a shell of your former self!! The IJVs let the deoxygenated blood flow out of your brain so when they’re partially blocked, that blood backs up & creates intracranial hypertension. Having the extra pressure in & around your brain is what causes the brain fog. Getting your IJVs re-opened will help put an end to that. It is important to know how much your C-1 vertebra is contributing to the IJV compression as sometimes styloid removal alone isn’t enough to fully get the pressure off the IJVs. Please talk to whoever diagnosed you w/ Jugular ES about this. You may find that your MdDS symptoms subside as well once the IJVs are open again.

Once your styloids are removed, you may also find that at least some of your TOS symptoms go away or reduce. The spinal accessory nerve is one of the nerves that can be irritated by elongated styloids. It can produce some symptoms that are common w/ TOS.


mine is 5.5 and i can’t even get diagnosed with ES. it’s been two years that i stopped driving, going shopping (activities that rely on turning your head) exercising. i try to just walk and not look around which is very hard since i live high in the mountains and bears are a real issue here. i am trying to heal my swollen neck till i get someone who would like to consider ES and look into how to help me. keep us posted here, seems like this is a place where we can sort some stuff out for ourselves with sharing. thx for sharing. Bella


I’m so sorry for all you’re dealing with symptoms-wise, @Bozena. I can’t imagine living in a place where doctors don’t know about ES or don’t acknowledge it if they do. So very frustrating for you!!

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