To fall on faith in times of despair or uncertainty is so very humbling & comforting. I recently spent time at my church’s meditation garden. The calming of the water feature brings me much comfort and closeness to my creator. I’ve spent several hours here over the course of the last couple years in particular.
Right after sitting I spotted this black feather. Surely, it was symbolic. I found, “its symbolism is usually associated with spirituality and divinity, wherein the feathers represent the divine power from the heavens that keeps watching over us, protecting and guiding us in life.” Similarly, a sign that angels are near.
Also discovering, “The black feather is a symbol of God’s guidance and protection as we go through rough and changing times. It signifies the need for wisdom and spiritual awakening, as well as imparts hope and encouragement to His people. All in all, this encounter represents a powerful spiritual manifestation in one’s life.”
And how remarkable to me after seeing this feather in the rocks, I spot this twig on the pavers right in front of my feet!
I am a faithful person and take comfort in small signs that mean so much during the most challenging times. I wanted to share this with others who may visit this segment of the ES forum looking for hope, prayer and guidance and remind them to look for those simple signs to help comfort them as well. They’re out there!