Stomach issues 2?

Regardless of what you may end up w/ as a diagnosis, Cupcake5, gargling w/ very warm salt water several times a day will help your throat feel better. Try 1/8 tsp of salt in 1/4 c. warm water Use this method: gargle w/ just enough water that you can gargle w/o swallowing it then repeat until the 1/4 c. of water is gone each time you do this during the day. Gargling is also good stimulation for the vagus nerve & is used in vagus recovery therapy.


Thank u ladies. You are saints. :two_hearts: I am waiting on the throat culture to come back. My primary suggested a few things that could have been from daycare. She said it really looks like strep even tho its negative but also suggested cmv. The culture they sent out is more accurate at reading strep than the rapid. So waiting on that. The antibiotics r keeping the fever at bay. Some of the white spots disappeared. Its wierd bc i dont have my tonsils so idk. But the spots r where my tonsils would be and on the back of my throat behind the hangy ball. I think im gunna stay home today. I was gunna go but i cant eat or drink it hurts so bad i lost 7lbs just this weekend. :smirk:. And i work in a call center n i was training all day talking i dont think i could do it. Hopefully one more day ill be okay. So tired of neck/throat issue. It seems like all my issues my life were centered hereā€¦ tonsilitous, eagle syndrome, now this mysterious illness ugh :frowning::two_hearts:


very rotten for youā€¦the white spots where your tonsils were could be on remaining tonsil tissue, apparently occasionally some tonsil tissue can be left behind & they can regrow a little bit, depending on the surgical technique, hereā€™s a link:

So that might be one mystery explained?!

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