Hey everyone.
Been on the quiet side for the past several weeks. I finally met with Dr. Annino. My surgery is set for June 9th.
I am quite hopeful, but also simultaneously a bit scared.
Upon discussion with him, he said that he recommended the surgery, to which, I felt before this discussion, like it was really going to be an illusion of choice, having had to suffer for this for three years.
For those unfamilliar, My Stylohyoid ligaments are calcified, but it turns out my left side is far worse than my right, which incidentally is the side where I feel a “tearing pull” like I swallowed a bone during strong yawns, or effortful swallows.
A second opinion from someone more practiced was probably the best choice I could have made for myself, as the doctor who diagnosed it sugested an intra-oral approach, which according to the expertise of Dr. Annino conflicts with what is required to be done for minimum complications, and maximum efficacy, to which suggested a different approach. This also made sense, because of the extent of my calcification. Incidentally, I asked that a conversation will be had between the two doctors, as I feel it is very important for any doctor who has differing views, discuss it amongst themselves, to come to understandings for future encounters.
I am quite scared of the premise of a failed treatment, or complications.
I have never had a surgery this major, in my life. The closest surgery I’ve ever had was related to a broken bone in my youth. I know that this could be life-altering in either direction, but the doctor whom I am having do the surgery has done many of these, so this significantly lessens my anxiety over it.
The plan of attack is to remove the more major of the calcifications, and see if it alleviates symptoms, and go from there.
My knowledge of anatomy and physiology is somewhat elaborate, so, the reality of having to do a procedure that is so close to so many nerves and essential arteries is a little distressing, it does the exact opposite of keeping me calm. I have a strong feeling I will have trouble sleeping the night before… haha…
In all seriousness, To those of you who have completed the procedure, It would be wonderful to hear your input, anything I can do to make the process easier - pre, and post-procedure. Even some advice to help me with the anxiety leading up to it would be helpful. I realize, at this point, It is quite literally a leap of faith, but absolutely anything that any of you can offer for input will be treasured in my days leading up to, and after the operation.
I am grateful to have found this site, and look forward to hearing from all of you.