Surgery recovery slowing down?

Hello! I had a L styloidectomy (hypoglossal and spinal accessory nerve were wrapped around it) and a R omohyoid myecotmy with Dr Hepworth just over three weeks ago.

At thr same time, I had a R ulnar nerve transposition and carpal tunnel repair (different surgeon) to save me a recovery.

The first couple days were a little rough, then I felt great for about a week and a half. The last week or so my recovery is slowing down and I’m less great, more tired, moving a bit more slowly. Does this sound normal? Is this recovery not linear? Thank you.

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It does! Very slow going. I noted that recovery moved in tiny (almost indistinguishable) increments. I decided to start looking at things on a week by week basis instead of day by day. As well as looking at events, what was I able to do on a certain event i.e. that may be as simple as visiting with someone where it would completely wipe me out.

Congratulations on having your surgery. Recommend giving yourself lots of time and grace to heal. )))


I’m glad that you’ve had your surgery, and that you did have a good week! It is still very early days, and many members have found that recovery is very much up & down, 2 steps forward and one back…It can also take months, even up to a year for nerves to heal, so although it’s hard, try to be patient :hugs:
It might be too that while you were feeling good you overdid it a bit and have set the healing back? I definitely did that while I was recovering from my surgeries, I’d felt rough for a while before surgery so if I had a good day it was tempting to get some jobs done!
I hope that the tiredness wears off, take care of yourself :hugs: :pray:

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Ugh… well, yes. And thanks for the giggle! There’s a 100% chance I did too much! Like many of us, I have multiple things going on, so any days I feel good, I do too much. I always pay for it later but still repeat the same behavior. (Insert eye roll here.)


@Nikkimm - I definitely had the two steps forward & one back process going during my recovery along w/ the overdoing on a good day. I had significant fatigue for 2 mos after my first surgery, but I woke up one morning around the 2 mos post op mark & felt like myself again for the first time in ages. It seemed healing progressed better from that point. Every two months during healing, I notice more symptoms were gone. Sometimes they disappeared so gradually they were gone for awhile before I actually noticed.

You had two major surgeries at once so it’s not surprising you’re struggling a bit w/ recovery. Two steps forward & one back is still positive progress toward recovery! :hugs:

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