Symptoms when head is in extension (slightly raised up, looking up)

Here’s a US link for V shaped pillows:

The pillow in the link Jules sent isn’t available from Amazon in the US, however, I see in her link that UK Amazon will ship that V shaped pillow internationally.

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Getting significant worsening of symptoms when putting the head into extension is often perceived as a classic sign of cervical stenosis or myelopathy. I imagine you probs don’t have mri imaging of the neck in extension, but what does your neutral imaging look like?


I have flexion and extension imaging done at medserena but the report only mentioned mild widening on the c spine upon extension. Says it is of an unknown etiology

So great to hear your recommendations and advice about drs. I’m newly diagnosed Eagle and am awaiting a CTA to check for the vascular versions. I have May-Thurner Syndrome and was stented back in 2014 - I’ve got a big ol’ 80x20mm Wallstent. I’ve wondered if my May Thurner increases my risk about having the vascular version of ES. I have neck and skull base pain that has gotten almost unbearable. I’ve messaged my dr (tonight, actually!) to ask about doing an ultrasound as well since that’s the easier way to check “dynamic positioning” - in the event that a static position during CTA doesn’t show compression. I even emailed him an article from the journal Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery that details best practices in imaging for accurate diagnosis of vascular ES. Fingers crossed!

This is my first time posting. Glad to hear I’m not going crazy - and that this neck and skull-base pain can totally be ES.

Thank you, All, for all of your posts!

Aidan :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to our forum @sodervoce! It sounds like you’ve done your homework & giving doctors research articles to help better inform them about ES is highly recommended on this forum so job well done!

You can request a dynamic CTA/V as it’s possible for a CT to be done w/ the head in various positions. This can’t be done w/ an MRI.

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Having May Thurner does not increase your risk of ES. I do not have ES but vascular outflow obstruction. Do you have EDS? That is your anatomy at play. I also have spectrum Loey Dietz. It is not uncommon to have multiple vascular compressions. I have MALS.

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I’m sorry you have additional rare conditions, @Brandy. Are either Loey Dietz or MALS treatable? I looked up Loey-Dietz since I’d never heard of it.

On head and looking up topic I learnt I must avoid that before my surgeries. As I had CCI and VES I cannot say which caused it but I suspect was CCI causation on looking up. VES was root cause of symptoms on turning my head to right. Both are now ok to do post surgeries. Take care. D