Thankful for you all

Thank you Jules! You helped change the broken record playing in my head today! Not going to worry about it! Yawning hurts my left jaw anyway so I try to put my hand under my chin. I’ll take a nap today juuuuust to be safe I don’t yawn any more than I have to :wink:

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@SewMomma, it seems that, aside from sneezing, yawning is a lot to ask of all the parts and pieces in our necks. Having just had surgery less than a week ago, I try to avoid yawning at all cost since it hurts pretty badly. I pray that your clicking, which must feel unsettling at this point, does finally resolve itself. It’s promising that you’re still seeing positive change though! But I definitely understand wanting every reminder of ES to vanish and for nothing new to pop up. I do find that it’s difficult to spit now when brushing teeth but it seems a minor, perhaps temporary, price to pay. I never was a good spitter anyway, lol. The nap sounds like a great plan for yawn avoidance:) That’s on my agenda today too :slight_smile: :sleeping:


Wow what a journey. Glad you get your surgery before you doc leaves for Philly.
I have been freaking out, whining and expecting my facial nerve paralysis to just wake up. I am mostly upset about the eyelid paralysis, because it hurts when dry. I have to keep it taped shut with ointment in it. I got a steroid injection on Thursday to help swelling. I want a miracle and now, of course. Anyway, I know it takes time. I have only been out the last 3 weeks and 4 days to see the surgeon and eye doctors and gastro doc. My stomach is a mess. Feels like an ulcer I had once before. Hope it is nothing. Hope we will find that I am just suffering from intense anxiety. Go for an EGD of the stomach tomorrow.
Keep posting with your humor, some of us need to laugh.

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Praying for your complete recovery emma…hope the stomach problem isn’t an ulcer, big hug for you :bouquet:

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I am thankful for Sewmomma,s posts and humor. Thank u for that Sewmomma, I will try to find a funny way to describe my ordeal. I think we all fear long term consequences of surgery after all the pre surgery pain.On top of that, we all have the normal struggles with life,families, jobs aging. It gets difficult. I keep trying to put this in pespective.

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I’m also praying for you, Emma!


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Hello friends!

Just checking in here. My throat hurts on the left side when I swallow all the time. Wah. Surgery is in 47 days. I can do it. I had to hold on to the counter this morning to swallow my very very very soft, mushy oatmeal. Then I took an ibuprofen and got on with the day. It never really got better so I had soup for lunch and soup for dinner. They were both yummy.

Sidebar: I decided to make an appointment with a dermatologist two weeks ago to have some moles checked. Turns out three moles were indeed suspicious and I had them biopsied. I then got the call that one on my back came back A-typical. Not melanoma, but we need to have it excised so that it can’t develop into something else in the future. So, thanks to the fact that I’ve met my deductible this year (thank you first surgery), I will get this mole “surgery” for free! It’s June 27th, three days before my plan year expires, lol. I’ll have the second ES surgery May 30th then the skin thing a month later. The PA said to take it easy for 2 weeks after the excision so as to not disturb the stitches. Looks like a relaxing summer is ahead for me! :blush:

SewMomma -

I’m sorry the pain from your remaining calcified ligament is advancing. Hopefully there will be good days mixed in w/ the bad days. Your surgery date will be here before you know it.

Glad you’re intuitive about your skin. I, myself, come from a long line of “Dalamatians” so have to watch my many moles & spots pretty carefully as well. That’s partially the consequence of being a sun-worshipper when I was in my teens, & baby oil was the “go to” tanning lotion. Good thing (? :grimacing:) you have your ES surgery before your mole incision to “slow you down” during recovery. Nice that your insurance deductible has been met. :+1:

So pleased that the moles’s been caught early but sorry that it’s another hassle on top of ES surgery, & worsening ES symptoms…good job you’re strong! Big hug & prayers for you…

I appreciate both of you very much. Yes, I too, often took a bath towel outside to my backyard with a bottle of baby oil in hand. I had my kids checked too. All good there.

I’m seeing it as a blessing to have more time in recovery like you said.

Looking at the silver lining, I’ve really gotten into scarves lately. I just want to keep the scar covered and protected from the sun and also I just really don’t want to talk to people about it if they don’t already know about the surgeries. Mainly because I’m just in a hurry everywhere I go LOL. Anyway, we have a big event coming up in my family in the middle of May. Our oldest is being confirmed in the Catholic Church. The symbol for confirmation is a dove for the Holy Spirit coming down on the child. I went hunting for scarves the other day at a high-end consignment store and I found a scarf with doves on it. I shed a tear in the store with joy over such a small pleasure the Lord gave me during this difficult time. I’ll be sure to post a picture of it when I wear it.:bird:



That is an AWESOME story! God is so good! I love it when He gives us unexpected gifts. They’re always so encouraging! Can’t wait to see you wearing the dove scarf!

So glad for your daughter’s upcoming confirmation. I know it will be a happy celebration for all of you!




My pre-op is in the books! It went great, super easy. The fact that I was within the 6 month mark of the first surgery allowed me to skip a ton of history questions! Score! All looked good - clear for take off May 30th. Can. Not. Wait.

All pain all the time on the left and only left. I study the baby click on the left way too much. I’m tired of thinking about it. I think it’s coming from the right (surgery side) because I’m a crazy person and am worried that it won’t be better after my second surgery. The remaining click and symptoms originate on the left for sure.

It’s been a long 18 months. (although not years like some on here) I took my kids to the golf course today and just took in nature and told myself I will be past this. I will swallow normally again one day. But I’m so afraid I won’t!

I know my good friends on here with tell me I’m normal and say a prayer for my peace over the next two weeks.

Take care all. Back soon with a picture of my scarf at my son’s confirmation coming up.

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Hi SewMomma ~ You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! You are perfectly normal, & I will say a prayer for you to have peace & no fear - before, during & after your surgery. You’ve done this marathon once & seen the good results. No need to question round two!!! Your surgeon is AWESOME, & your body is doing it’s job & healing nicely. You can, and will, succeed in overcoming ES & its cruel, mind-taunting symptoms. God is walking with you through this. He is in charge & on top of it all.

Deep breaths. Be joyful in your heart that the first day of the return of your more normal life (do any of us really live normal lives?!?) is almost here!



So change the left to the right and the baby click to ear/jaw pain and you just described me! I contacted Mayo requesting surgery in late June or early July - I can not wait till September any more. Still dealing with numbness on the left. Your Can. Not. Wait. is fact. We are going to be better - we must keep reiterating it again and again:). Have the countdown app on your phone? Great to know we are perfectly normal!

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Glad you have a date, not too long now…patience, ‘Rest in the Lord & wait patiently for Him to act’…Ps 37:7, I had to read that verse more then a few times!!
Big hug for you, keep strong!


I think of you all the time surgery buddy and I completely support your plan of bumping up the date. Why suffer? :blue_heart:

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sjlash - Everything I said to SewMomma I also pass along to you. Glad you’re looking at having surgery sooner. That means the final phase of healing will start sooner & you’ll be back “up to speed” sooner as well!

:hearts: :hugs:

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As always, an unpleasant situation (surgery for a rare condition) can be made better by little joys. I’m this case a scarf with doves on it for my son’s confirmation. Doves are a symbol of the Holy Spirit so there was a big focus on doves at the church. :blush:


My prayers for Little Rock are with you also! That scarf is very pretty and reminds everyone the Holy Spirit is always waiting for us to call on it :pray:


Hope you got earlier surgery date. Praying for you to your surgery, through your surgery and for quick healing after your surgery.