TO - Dr. Hepworth's Current and Future Patients

If you are a current patient of Dr. Hepworth, you should have received an email from Veros Health notifying you of his departure from Veros Health as of 8/1/24.

You WILL need to fill out a records release/transfer form. Veros Health will NOT automatically transfer your records to Dr. Hepworth.

Email to OR
FAX to (720) 870-2414

The records transfer form requires you to include Dr. Hepworth’s
•Clinic name - Dr. Edward J Hepworth, Denver Sinus Care Practice
•Address - 3150 E. Third Ave., Ste. 300, Denver, CO, 80206
•Ofc phone number - (303) 224-4711 (before 8/1/24) or
(720) 899-9489 (8/1/24 beyond)
•FAX number - (720) 953-5151

For new patients, please note the phone number change to (720) 899-9489 as of 8/1/24.


Did you receive any type of confirmation from Veros?

@stuuke - Not yet, but I heard from someone who’s on the FB group that some FB ES members have gotten confirmation emails. I sent mine over the weekend so will look for something from them this week. I’d say based on how they had Dr. H’s ofc running, my expectations of a reply are low.

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