Today's visit with head and neck specialist

Today I had my long awaited appointment with Dr. Karni in Houston… good thing is that he believes my symptoms are from Eagle’s symdrome. He still will only approach from the tonsil, but maybe that isnt a bad sign for me. My right tonsil is diseased because the styloid process is protruding through it. He says i probably have scar tissue within and behind the tonsil causing some issues too. I didnt schedule today because i need to consult my finances. I will be out of work for 2 weeks and i am a self employed hairstylist. He did say i have to prepare myself for issues not being resolved, because for some people that happens. Where i live and for my finances, this is my only hope. I have been dealing with this for over a decade with symptoms increasing each year. Maybe this is the year I take my life back from Eagle’s Syndrome


I’m glad you have a plan now, @Swent39 and hope you can get your surgery scheduled soon.

We’ve had several members who went to Dr. Karni for ES surgery & had good outcomes. I have to warn you that intraoral ES surgery along w/ a styloidectomy will leave you with an extremely sore throat possibly for a month which makes it uncomfy to eat & swallow. Be forewarned that ES surgery has a slow recovery as damaged nerves are slow to heal, & it can take a few months after surgery to start feeling better. The biggest thing you may notice is feeling very tired. That can take 6-8 weeks to go away, but for some people it’s quicker.

I think intraoral ES surgeries have evolved to some degree, & there’s a greater understanding now about how to help patients have less pain post op than a few years ago. One thing that Dr. Karni may not prescribe post op, but you can request, is an Rx for a tapering course of steroids. I vote for dexamethasone as it has less side effects than prednisone. Steroids are powerful anti-inflammatories & will help relieve the swelling in your throat beyond what ice water & sucking on ice chips can do.

Here’s a discussion started by one of our members who had a good outcome from her surgery w/ Dr. Karni:

You can find other discussions about him by clicking on the magnifying glass search tool in the upper right of this page & typing his name in the search box.

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I’m glad that he has agreed to help you! It does sound given that you have tonsil issues as if intra-oral might be the better option for you anyway, so that’s a positive. I hope that you’re able to work the finances out and can have surgery soon, @Isaiah_40_31 has given you good advice, and @michelle posted some really helpful info recently about what to expect after intra-oral surgery:
Intraoral surgery: my story, preparation & recovery tips - Symptoms and Treatments - Living with Eagle
Best wishes :hugs:

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