Hey there.
Sorry to hear of your symptoms.
Sounds very similar to me.
I started with headaches and dizziness, developed blurry vision and now need glasses, tinnitus, pulsatile and normal! And now intense head pressure which comes in waves over a few days before improving a bit and then worsening.
I also have jaw / neck pain.
I saw general chiropractor and also Atlas orthogonal, and had an adjustment to C1, unfortunately this worsened my symptoms, but at least that helped me to confirm that the C1 / Styloid area was the source of my problems.
Ive just seen Dr Hughes, and he has offered surgery. No idea the cost yet, but time scales appear to be a few months for private surgery. I asked about NHS and he didn’t give a time frame but said it would be very long as it is not prioritised on the NHS.
If I could offer any advice, I would say, really nag your GP for all the referrals you can get.
Ask to see opthalmologost urgently to check for papilledema or any other issues which may be linked to your problem. (I saw opthalmology, and if nothing else it was reassuring not to have papilledema, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have head pressure! They also discovered posterior vitreous detachment, and diagnosed that I now needed a slight prescription. Wearing glasses made my eye sight much better again and reduced alot of anxiety there, and probably improved my headaches a little.
Ask to see neurology, ask for urgent referrals, don’t accept anything less. ( I got referred non urgent. So I pestered them to upgrade). Also looks at average waiting times for specialist referral and you have the right to choose another NHS trust. In my case, Somerset was 6 months Vs Devon being 12 months. So I told my GP to refer me to Somerset. You can do this for any referral if the waiting time is longer than 18 weeks I believe.
Ask for ENT referral. (I’m my case I had it urgently referred, but initially to audiology. But it was again reassuring and helpful to rule out vestibular causes)
Ask for MRI of brain and cervical! (Can rule out lots of things and bring some reassurance, and eased my anxiety alot, when I had been thinking of brain tumours etc!)
You could consider asking for a trial of blood thinners. I had read alot of discussion, mainly from USA Drs who seems to use these as a diagnostic tool. I discussed with my GP and he agreed to give me apixaban, as he classed it as the safest drug to give me, and saw no harm, despite it being off licence. It improved my symptoms up to maybe 40% (then I had C1 adjusted and got worse!"
Consider asking for amitriptyline also, if there’s nerve involvement it may help?
If you have not had a CT Venogram, I think this would be a really useful thing to have done. I had mine done privately as NHS was taking forever. I had to get to convince my neurologist, but she wasn’t keen. Then I had it privately at £1000, only to receive a letter from my neurologist who seemed to be suggesting she would organise one!
I had mine done at Spire Cambridge and specifically requested Dr Higgins, who is a venous outflow disorder specialist I suppose.
Dr Hughes accepted this scan, didn’t need it done “his own way!”.
Sorry that was a bit all over the place, hopefully it may help a little?