Visible protrusions under ear/behind jaw? What is this?

Hi all. I’ve found other posts that mention this but I didn’t find any info on what exactly it is/why it’s there.
Here’s a pic of one of mine. I have them on both sides & they hurt when poked.

Honestly it can be anything from a lymph node, inflammation, infection, cyst, muscle, protruding C1 transverse process, bulging vein to tumour… Better to get checked by the doctor if that doesn’t subside within a few weeks.


I had an ultrasound of that area which came back normal. It’s been like this for maybe a year now? Docs I’ve seen are shrugging their shoulders. I’m literally going to print out a list of things it could be and ask my ENT to rule them out lol. Thanks


Do you have recent panoramic dental x-ray?

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I do not! But I do have a CT scan of my neck w/ contrast.

Anything on the CT? You might try Radiant viewer which is extremely user-friendly software to create 3D view of the bones and you could easily see if those lumps might be because of misshapen styloid processes, thus rulling out/in ES

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I used Slicer actually! If you’re curious I posted some images on this thread.

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Well you obviously have some calcification going on in what’s likely is a stylohyoid ligament.
Also I noticed interesting bumps near your TMJ. I am not quite sure what these are, but could be related to some sort of TMJ disorders. Worth checking with a maxillofacial surgeon or someone else with TMD knowledge.

These bumps might be what you see as lumps near your ears.

Oh, also this seems like an artery (my guess is external carotid) going just around the place where you have the lump. Do you get funny feeling in face/ear/scalp/eye when press and hold for a while on that lump?


@blistle, Swollen glands in the area of your lumps are not uncommon w/ ES. I had them, however, I think @vdm’s findings are quite interesting & his suggestions are very practical. I would pursue this problem with the types of doctors he suggested & take a copy of the images he annotated & ask about what he’s noted.


I’ve had swollen lymph nodes in the same area when I’ve had ear infections & gum infection, They’re very tender, but have other obvious symptoms (jaw, ear pain etc) as well.