WARNING - GRAPHIC VISUAL INFORMATION: IJV Compression - Another Point of View

It’s unclear what Dr. Lawton does. He has not been willing to help any of our members who have contacted him recently. He has very narrow parameters for determining what is ES & what isn’t. People w/ CT scans & clear ES diagnoses have been turned away.

You are certainly welcome to contact him, but he hasn’t been added to our list because no one here has seen him for surgery. The video was posted as additional information regarding a particular case of vascular ES where an “outside of the box” surgery was performed to correct the problem. Dr. Lawton did not end up removing that patient’s styloids. It is clear that he fixed the cause of the jugular compression but unclear if that patient will go on to have future problems w/ ES because Dr. Lawton left the styloids in place.

Here is a link to the posts by recent members:
