Night guard affected by ES surgery?

Sounds like the braces back in your 20’s might have been an answer :grin: and the damage could have been prevented. Thats why they are moving towards treatment of the condition…Curious if you have had a sleep study? Its not just snoring.

There has been some very intresting studies of late equating the formation of Eagles to be caused by TMD/TMJ. Its a logical event as calcification occurs in other parts of the body for the same reason. (From the study above) Bone development and homeostasis are thought to contribute to the elongation of the styloid process, including the consideration of the presence of two ossification centers in the styloid process, embryonic mesenchymal conversion to osteoid matrix, osteoarthritic changes, and diseases of calcium–phosphate maintenance. The origin of styloid process is related to three different muscles and two ligaments. The stylopharyngeus muscle raises the pharynx, the stylohoid the hyoid, and the styloglossus the tongue. The stylohyoid ligament stabilizes the hyoid bone, and the stylomandibular the mandible by assessing the posterior part. Aside from all the “medicalese” and anatomy what they are describing is bruxism and the results of joint damage.

I have nothing Against night Guards (except dentists who charge $700.00 for an appliance the labs charrge him less than $50.00.)

The point is think of a cut. You cover it with a band-aid. It protects it. BUT it doesn’t heal it or fix it. The night Guard serves the same role. It doesn’t fix the problem. If one can fix it before the damage occurs, they are MUCH better off.